We move your business foward

We are happy to support you with any technical challenge your company may face. Contact us, and we will connect you with specialists for an initial, no-obligation consultation or brainstorming session.

Interdisciplinary Expertise: PSI excels in providing diverse support across various industries. Whether it’s energy, pharmaceuticals and medtech, automotive, aerospace, or manufacturing, our experts bring their knowledge and interdisciplinary experience to develop tailored solutions for your technical problem.

Diverse Partnerships: From startups to large corporations. We collaborate with companies of all sizes. We work with startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as large corporations, seeking innovative solutions tailored to your needs regardless of your company’s size.

Absolute Confidentiality: You can expect absolute confidentiality from our side during all discussions and phases of our collaboration. If desired, we are happy to sign a confidentiality agreement beforehand.

No Further Obligation: This open exchange of ideas does not create any obligations; your company is free to use the new solutions as you see fit. If this leads to a desire for further collaboration, we are also happy to assist in identifying suitable funding opportunities.

We collaborate with you to find innovative approaches and tackle the challenges your company faces!