Topic Overview

Find out more about the research questions we are working on and the unique large-scale research facilities we are using to find answers.

New technologies are the driving force behind an innovative society. At PSI, researchers are laying the necessary foundations for this. They are looking for previously unknown ways of processing and storing data, making technologies more sustainable and efficient or developing new processes to delve ever deeper into the micro and nano worlds. Their findings form the basis for new applications - be it in medicine, information technology, energy generation and storage - or for new production processes in industry.

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Switzerland aims to be climate-neutral by 2050 – in other words, not to emit more greenhouse gases than can be absorbed naturally or by technical means. This calls on us to rethink our energy production and use – away from fossil fuels and towards climate-neutral energy sources. How can Switzerland become fit for a climate-neutral energy future? Researchers at PSI are looking for answers.

New methods for diagnosis and therapy are at the centre of medical research and development at PSI. In cancer diagnosis, the focus is on early detection. Basic research using the latest methods leads to the development of innovative therapies. PSI works very closely with universities, clinics and the pharmaceutical industry.

At PSI, researchers investigate the basic structures of matter and the fundamental principles of nature. They examine the smallest building blocks of matter or investigate the structure of biological molecules and how they perform their tasks. The knowledge gathered in this way opens up new approaches to finding solutions in science, medicine and technology.

PSI develops, builds and operates complex large research facilities. PSI has the world's most powerful muon source, a unique proton and neutron source, an synchrotron of international importance and one of only five X-ray free-electron lasers with hard X-rays in the world. Scientists from all over the world use PSI's large research facilities for their scientific investigations. They are also available to Swiss research and industry for their experiments.