Laboratory Condensed Matter (LSC)

Hero LSC

The PSI Laboratory for Condensed Matter uses synchrotron radiation for spectroscopy, imaging and diffraction techniques.

3D image of a magnetic skyrmion

Skyrmion topology quantified in 3D

Researchers from an international collaboration between the United States of America and Switzerland have performed three-dimensional magnetic imaging of a magnetic skyrmion using soft X-ray laminography. This allowed for the investigation, in three dimensions, of the topological profile of the magnetic skyrmions.


Elusive multiferroicity in RNiO3 perovskites

In our recent paper we examined YNiO3 and proved that the RNiO3 type material known for its metal-insulator transition is in fact a type II multiferroic. We provide direct evidence of an electric-field-driven switch of the noncolliear magnetic state finally confirming the proposed type II multiferroic nature of YNiO3.