From proposals to experiments

Please find below a short description of the procedures relevant to proposals at the PSI user facilities.

1. Call for proposals

Each year PSI launches several calls for proposals for its large scale infrastructures. Please finde more information about the open calls and proposal submission deadlines below.

2. Proposal submission

Scientific proposals should solely be submitted via the PSI Digital User Office (DUO). This is a central web based tool to organize the user operation at PSI. DUO allows to submit proposals, experimental reports or experimental feedback forms. Via DUO you can also manage your visit to PSI by ordering badge/dosimeter for your stay or rooms in the PSI guesthouse.

Start with a proposal for:

Please find some additional hints for the proposal submission for the photon facilities.

3. Evaluation

The proposals are evaluated by external proposal review committees. They provide a ranking and give recommendations to the PSI management on the distribution of beamtime. The rating is done in accordance with the IUPAP recommendations for large scale facilities, section 3.2) and is based on scientific merit, technical feasibility, previous record of the proposers, availability of the resources. Soon after that the main authors of the proposals are informed electronically about the results. Afterwards the respective beamline managers will arrange a date for the experiment in agreement with the proposal author.

4. Before arrival

In between the notification about a successful proposal and the experiment a couple of formal procedures have to be followed.

Before arrival

Information for foreign users
Shipping instructions

Your stay at PSI
How to get to PSI ?
How to get my badge ?

5. Your Stay at PSI

Please find here some useful information that will help you during your stay at the PSI campus. If you need any further assistance please contact the PSI User Office desk or phone PSI-4666 !

Direct links:


6. After Your Experiment

Each experiment requires a short experimental report. In addition any publication based on results obtained at PSI should be registered. Both should be done by the aid of the PSI Digital User Office DUO.

PSI User Office
Paul Scherrer Institute
building WBBC
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

+41 56 310 46 66

Office hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:00-11:30 and 12:30-17:00
otherwise please contact us per email