IT ServiceDesk

We are there for you

Report a disturbance or let us know if there are any problems. You will then receive support directly from the responsible PSI person in charge. 

Order PSI services digitally. Central PSI forms for daily work can also be found here. 

Search and find answers to questions or forms concerning the services offered by PSI.

If you are at the PSI

  1.  Please use a Trouble TicketThis helps us to serve you better.
  2.  E-mail contact
  3.  Phone 4800

If you are not at the PSI

  1.  E-mail
  2.  Phone PSI +41 56 310 21 11 and get connected to 4800.
  3.  For emergencies: Call the Sicherheitszentrale SIZ (Tel. +41 56 310 26 00) and provide your name, phone number and detailed information about the problem.

Note: Please always use the IT ServiceDesk as the central point of contact and do not attempt to contact IT staff directly. This is the only way to ensure an appropriate response.