PSI maintains an open dialogue with the public. This affirmation in the PSI mission statement forms the basis for the work of the Communications department. The aim is to make the social relevance of research at PSI generally known.
PSI communicates with a vast variety of target groups. The Communications department creates a wide range of content for these groups: for the PSI website, for media releases, for social media channels, for the PSI magazine 5232 and for brochures. The Communication department also organises events for the general public. It operates the Visitor Centre psi forum and the school laboratory iLab.
Pollutants often originate in the air
In the CLOUD experiment at CERN, PSI researchers have measured with unprecedented precision how harmful organic air pollutants are formed and dispersed.
A superlative milestone
PSI spin-off Araris Biotech AG achieves valuation at unicorn-level!
How botox enters our cells
Researchers at PSI have identified structural changes of the bacterial neurotoxin botox that are important for its uptake into nerve cells. This finding could allow a more targeted use of botox in medicine.