Dr. Adrian Andreas Wanner

Group Leader
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI


Adrian is heading the Structural Neurobiology research group at PSI. He holds a MSc in interdisciplinary sciences from ETH Zurich with majors in theoretical physics and neuroinformatics and a PhD in neurobiology from the FMI and the University of Basel. At FMI he worked in the lab of Rainer Friedrich on combining in vivo multiphoton calcium imaging with dense, electron microscopy-based neuronal circuit reconstruction. During his PhD he co-founded the biomedical image analysis company ariadne.ai ag. Adrian was a CV Starr Fellow at Princeton University and investigated the structure of neuronal circuits involved in working memory of mice in collaboration with the labs of David Tank and Sebastian Seung. In 2022, Adrian was awarded with a SERI-funded ERC Starting Grant to explore synchrotron imaging applications for neuronal circuit reconstruction.