Group website: Cellular structural biology and imaging
Research by Takashi Ishikawa
We apply these methods to reveal the mechanism of flagellar/ciliary bending motion. In flagella/cilia, which consist of ~300 proteins, nine microtubule doublets are linked by dynein motor proteins. We are analyzing molecular arrangement of dynein and other proteins by electron tomography and refine high resolution structures by single particle analysis, developing methodologies.
Eukaryotic flagella/cilia are bending organelles which drive cells forward or backward, or generate extracellular flows. They exist in sperms, tracheae (respiratory cilia), brain, embryo (nodal cilia) and many other organs. Therefore defects of flagella/cilia cause diseases (ciliopathy). Flagella/cilia are attractive in the view point of nanomachine development.
Flagella and cilia from various species and organisms share the “9+2” axonemal structure, in which nine microtubule doublets surround two singlet microtubules. Adjacent microtubule doublets slide past each other by ATP-driven power stroke of dynein motor proteins. Our research focuses the mechanism of force generation of dynein and the mechanism to integrate dynein power strokes into well-orchestrated bending motion of flagella/cilia. We employed technique of electron cryo-tomography (fig. 1) and 3D image analysis to answer these questions.
3D molecular architecture of outer and inner dynein arms from Chlamydomonas flagella
We extracted 96nm periodic fragments (subtomograms) from tomograms of flagella (fig. 1), aligned and averaged them three-dimensionally (fig. 2). The obtained 3D structure describes the molecular conformation and arrangement of dyneins and other molecules on the microtubule doublets. In the inner dynein arm (which determines the wave form) eight dyneins form a longitudinal array, while the outer arm (responsible for force generation and acceleration) consists of three dyneins stacking vertically. At ~35Å resolution, our averaged tomograms revealed 3D conformation of dynein (which consists of an AAA-ring (ring-shaped ATPase domain), a coiled-coil stalk and an N-terminal tail) in situ. N-terminal tails extend from AAA-rings toward the distal end (= plus end of the microtubule). By combining 3D structures of mutants which lack various dynein isoforms, we identified them in our 3D map (fig. 2).
Bui, K.H., Sakakibara, H., Movassagh, T., Oiwa, K. and Ishikawa, T. (2008) “Molecular architecture of inner dynein arms in situ in Chlamydomonas flagella” J. Cell Biol., 183, 923-932. Ishikawa, T., Sakakibara, H., and Oiwa, K. (2007) “The architecture of outer dynein arms in situ” J. Mol. Biol. 368, 1249-1258.
Structural basis of dynein power stroke and flagellar/ciliary bending
Averaged tomograms of flagella in the presence and in the absence of nucleotides showed the conformational change of dyneins. In the presence of ADP.Vi (Vi: vanadate), which is non-hydrolysable ATP analogue and mimics the pre-power stroke state, the AAA-ring of dynein stays at the proximal (minus end of the microtubule) and the N-terminal tail gradually curves toward the microtubule. However, in the apo state (corresponding to the post-power stroke state), the ATPase head moves toward the distal (plus) end and the N-terminal tail sharply kinks toward the microtubule. This indicates the translational shift of dynein (not rotation), pulls the adjacent microtubule toward the distal end (fig. 3).
In the flagella in the presence of ADP.Vi, this conformational change occurs at about half of dyneins, while the other dyneins stay at the apo conformation, indicating cooperativity among dyneins prohibits other dyneins to change their conformations. Interestingly these two conformations do not appear randomly, but form cluster (fig. 4). This phenomenon provides one hypothesis of flagellar/ciliary bending: torsion is generated at interface between two clusters.
Movassagh, T., Bui, K.H., Sakakibara, H., Oiwa, K. and Ishikawa, T. (2010) “Global conformational changes of dynein arms in flagella induced by nucleotides” Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 17, 761-767.
Asymmetry of dynein arrangement in Chlamydomonas flagella – mechanism of planar asymmetric bending
We found that the arrangement of inner arm dyneins is not perfectly symmetrical among nine microtubule doublets of the Chlamydomonas flagellum. Two microtubule doublets, which are apposed between two flagella of one Chlamydomonas cell, lacks a few inner arm dyneins (fig. 5), which will results in asymmetric force generation between the internal and external sides of flagellar bending. Our tomographic studies identified linkers which connect only doublets on the bending plane, suggesting the mechanism to limit the flagellar motion planar.
Bui, K.H., Sakakibara, H., Movassagh, T., Oiwa, K. and Ishikawa, T. (2009) “Asymmetry of inner dynein arms and inter-doublet links in Chlamydomonas flagella” J. Cell Biol. 186, 437-446.
Our main projects
Bui, K.H., Toshiki, Y., Yamamoto, R., Kamiya, R. and Ishikawa, T. (2012) “Polarity and asymmetry in the arrangement of dynein and related structures in the Chlamydomonas axoneme.” J. Cell Biol., 198, 913-925.
Maheshwari, A. and Ishikawa, T. (2012) “Heterogeneity of dynein structure implies coordinated suppression of dynein motor activity in the axoneme.” J. Struct. Biol., 179, 235-241.
Ueno, H., Ishikawa, T., Bui, K.H., Gonda, K., Ishikawa, T. and Yamaguchi, T. (2012) “Mouse respiratory cilia with the asymmetric axonemal structure on sparsely distributed ciliary cells can generate overall directional flow.” Nanomedicine, 8, 1081-1087.
Pigino, G., Maheshwari, A., Bui, K.H., Shingyoji, C., Kamimura, S. and Ishikawa, T. (2012) “Comparative structural analysis of eukaryotic flagella and cilia from Chlamydomonas, Tetrahymena and sea urchins.” J. Struct. Biol., 178, 199-206.
Guichard, P., Desfosses, A., Maheshwari, A., Hachet, V., Dietrich, C., Brune, A., Ishikawa, T., Sachse, C. and Gonczy, P. (2012) “Cartwheel architecture of Trichonympha basal body.” Science, 337, 553.
Pigino, G., Bui, K.H., Maheshwari, A., Lupetti, P., Diener, D. and Ishikawa, T. (2011) “Cryoelectron tomography of radial spokes in cilia and flagella.” J. Cell Biol., 195, 673-687.
Bui, K.H., Pigino, G. and Ishikawa, T. (2011) “3D structural analysis of eukaryotic flagella/cilia by electron cryo-tomography” J. Synchrotron Radiation, 18, 2-5.
Movassagh, T., Bui, K.H., Sakakibara, H., Oiwa, K. and Ishikawa, T. (2010) “Global conformational changes of dynein arms in flagella induced by nucleotides” Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 17, 761-767.
Bui, K.H., Sakakibara, H., Movassagh, T., Oiwa, K. and Ishikawa, T. (2009) “Asymmetry of inner dynein arms and inter-doublet links in Chlamydomonas flagella” J. Cell Biol. 186, 437-446.
Bui, K.H., Sakakibara, H., Movassagh, T., Oiwa, K. and Ishikawa, T. (2008) “Molecular architecture of inner dynein arms in situ in Chlamydomonas flagella” J. Cell Biol., 183, 923-932.
Ishikawa, T., Sakakibara, H., and Oiwa, K. (2007) “The architecture of outer dynein arms in situ” J. Mol. Biol. 368, 1249-1258.
Reviews and book chapters
Ishikawa, T. (2012) “Structural biology of cytoplasmic and axonemal dyneins.“ J. Struct. Biol. 179, 229-234.
Pigino, G. and Ishikawa, T. (2012) “Axonemal radial spokes: 3D structure, function and assembly“ BioArchitecture, 2, 50-58.
Ishikawa, T. (2012) “3D structures of axonemes” in “Handbook of Dynein” edited by L. Amos and K. Hirose, Pan Stanford
Ishikawa, T. (2011) “Organization of dyneins and associated regulatory systems in the axoneme” in “Dyneins: Structure, biology and disease” edited by S. King, Elsevier
Collaborations with other groups
Liebi, M., Kuster, S., Kohlbrecher, J., Ishikawa, T., Fischer, P., Walde, P. and Windhab, E.L. (2012) “Magnetically enhanced bicelles delivering switchable anisotropy in optical gels.“ ACS Appl. Mater Interfaces, 6, 1100-1105.
Liebi, M., Kohlbrecher, J., Ishikawa, T., Fischer, P., Walde, P. and Windhab, E.L. (2012) “Cholesterol increases the magnetic aligning of bicellar disks from an aqueous mixture of DMPC and DMPE-DTPA with complexed thulium ions.“ Langmuir, 28, 10905-10915.
Lowell, A.N., Qiao, H., Liu, T., Ishikawa, T., Zhang, H., Oriana, S., Wang, M., Ricciotti, E., FitzGerald, G.A., Zhou, R. and Yamakoshi, Y. (2012) “Functionalized low-density lipoprotein nanoparticles for in vivo enhancement of atherosclerosis on magnetic resonance images“ Bioconjug. Chem., 23, 2313-2319.
Tokutsu, R., Kato, N., Bui, K.H., Ishikawa, T. and Minagawa, J. (2012) “Revisiting the supramolecular organization of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii“ J. Biol. Chem., 287, 31574-31581.
Effantin, G., Ishikawa, T., De Donatis, G.M., Maurizi, M.R. and Steven, A.C. (2010) “Local and global mobility in th ClpA AAA+ chaperone detected by cryo-electron microscopy: functional connotations“ Structure, 18, 553-562.
Megli, P., Conte, E. and Ishikawa, T. (2010) “Cholesterol attenuates and prevents bilayer damage and breakdown in lipoperoxidized model membranes. A spin labeling EPR study“ Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1808, 2267-2274.
Beck, P., Liebi, M., Kohlbrecher, J., Ishikawa, T., Ruegger, H., Zepik, H, Fischer, P., Walde, P. and Windhab, E. (2010) “Novel type of bicellar disks from a mixture of DMPC and DMPE-DTPA with complexed lanthanides“ Langmuir, 26, 5382-5387.
Bleicken, S., Classen, M., Padmavathi, P.V., Ishikawa, T., Zeth, K., Steinhoff, H.J. and Bordignon, E. (2010) “Molecular details of Bax activation, oligomerization and membrane insertion“ J. Biol. Chem. 285, 6636-6647.
Beck, P., Liebi, M., Kohlbrecher, J., Ishikawa, T., Ruegger, H., Zepik, H, Fischer, P., Walde, P. and Windhab, E. (2010) “Magnetic field alignable domains in phospholipid vesicle membranes containing lanthanides“ J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 174-186.
Guo, Z.W., Ruegger, H., Kissner, R., Ishikawa, T., Willeke, M. and Walde, P. (2009) “Vesicles as soft templates for the enzymatic polymerization on aniline“ Langmuir, 25, 11390-11405.
Kato, K., Walde, P., Koike, N., Ichikawa, S., Ishikawa, T., Nagayama, R., Ishihara, T., Tsuji, T., Shudou, M., Omokawa, Y., Kuroiwa, T. (2008) “Temperature-sensitive nonionic vesicles prepared from Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate)” Langmuir, 24, 10762-10770.
Nishiyama, M., Ishikawa, T., Rechsteiner, H. and Glockshuber, R. (2008) “Reconstruction of pilus assembly reveals a bacterial outer membrane catalyst” Science 320, 376-379.
Capone S., Walde P., Seebach D., Ishikawa T. and Caputo R. (2008) “pH-sensitive vesicles containing a lipidic beta-amino acid with two hydrophobic chains” Chem. Biodivers. 5, 16-30.
Zepik, H.H., Walde, P., and Ishikawa, T. (2008) “Vesicle formation from reactive surfactants“ Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 47, 1323-1325.
Namani, T., Ishikawa, T., Morigaki, K. and Walde, P. (2007) “Vesicles from docosahexaenoic acid“ Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces 54, 118-123.
Schaffitzel, C., Oswald, M., Berger, I., Ishikawa, T., Abrahams, J.P., Koerten, H.K., Koning, R.I. and Ban, N. (2006) “Structure of the E. coli signal recognition particle bound to a translating ribosome” Nature 444, 503-506.
List of Publications
2011 - present
Zimmermann N, Ishikawa T
Comparative structural study on axonemal and cytoplasmic dyneins
Cytoskeleton. 2024; 81(11): 681-690.
Alvarez N, Bruggmann R, Buchmann N, Dessimoz C, Faso C, Hofmann S, et al.
Biology community roadmap 2024. Update of Swiss community needs for research infrastructures 2029-2032
Bern: Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT); 2024. Swiss Academies reports: 19/6.
Yildiz A, Ishikawa T
In: Bradshaw RA, Hart GW, Stahl PD, eds. Organizational aspects of cell biology - part 2. Encyclopedia of cell biology. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2023:110-137.
Cvjetan N, Schuler LD, Ishikawa T, Walde P
Optimization and enhancement of the peroxidase-like activity of hemin in aqueous solutions of sodium dodecylsulfate
ACS Omega. 2023; 8(45): 42878-42899.
Ishikawa T
Cryo-electron tomography
In: Bradshaw RA, Hart GW, Stahl PD, eds. Organizational aspects of cell biology - part 1. Encyclopedia of cell biology. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2023:28-36.
Ishikawa T
Mass-spec, cryo-EM and AI join forces for a close look at the transporter complex in cilia
EMBO Journal. 2023; 42: e113010 (3 pp.).
Ishikawa T
Architecture of intraflagellar transport complexes
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 2023; 30(5): 570-573.
Zimmermann N, Noga A, Obbineni JM, Ishikawa T
ATP-induced conformational change of axonemal outer dynein arms revealed by cryo-electron tomography
EMBO Journal. 2023; 42(12): e112466 (15 pp.).
Ishikawa T
Structure of motile cilia
In: Harris RJ, Marles-Wright J, eds. Macromolecular protein complexes IV. Structure and function. Subcellular biochemistry. Cham: Springer Nature; 2022:471-494.
Noga A, Horii M, Goto Y, Toyooka K, Ishikawa T, Hirono M
Bld10p/Cep135 determines the number of triplets in the centriole independently of the cartwheel
EMBO Journal. 2022; 41(20): e104582 (14 pp.).
Tran HT, Lucas MS, Ishikawa T, Shahmoradian SH, Padeste C
A compartmentalized neuronal cell-culture platform compatible with cryo-fixation by high-pressure freezing for ultrastructural imaging
Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021; 15: 726763 (15 pp.).
Kutomi O, Yamamoto R, Hirose K, Mizuno K, Nakagiri Y, Imai H, et al.
A dynein-associated photoreceptor protein prevents ciliary acclimation to blue light
Science Advances. 2021; 7(9): eabf3621 (12 pp.).
Yamamoto R, Hwang J, Ishikawa T, Kon T, Sale WS
Composition and function of ciliary inner-dynein-arm subunits studied in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Cytoskeleton. 2021; 78(3): 77-96.
Panneels V, Diaz A, Imsand C, Guizar-Sicairos M, Müller E, Bittermann AG, et al.
Imaging of retina cellular and subcellular structures using ptychographic hard X-ray tomography
Journal of Cell Science. 2021; 134(19): jcs258561 (8 pp.).
Rösner B, Finizio S, Koch F, Döring F, Guzenko VA, Langer M, et al.
Soft x-ray microscopy with 7 nm resolution
Optica. 2020; 7(11): 1602-1608.
Poghosyan E, Iacovache I, Faltova L, Leitner A, Yang P, Diener DR, et al.
The structure and symmetry of the radial spoke protein complex in Chlamydomonas flagella
Journal of Cell Science. 2020; 133(16): jcs245233 (9 pp.).
Zhu X, Poghosyan E, Rezabkova L, Mehall B, Sakakibara H, Hirono M, et al.
The roles of a flagellar HSP40 ensuring rhythmic beating
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2019; 30(2): 228-241.
Kashima K, Fujisaki T, Serrano-Luginbühl S, Kissner R, Janošević Ležaić A, Bajuk-Bogdanović D, et al.
Effect of template type on the Trametes versicolor laccase-catalyzed oligomerization of the aniline dimer p-aminodiphenylamine (PADPA)
ACS Omega. 2019; 4(2): 2931-2947.
Li T, Krumeich F, Ihli J, Ma Z, Ishikawa T, Pinar AB, et al.
Heavy atom labeling enables silanol defect visualization in silicalite-1 crystals
Chemical Communications. 2019; 55(4): 482-485.
Guerrero-Ferreira RC, Hupfeld M, Nazarov S, Taylor NMI, Shneider MM, Obbineni JM, et al.
Structure and transformation of bacteriophage A511 baseplate and tail upon infection of Listeria cells
EMBO Journal. 2019; 38(3): e99455 (20 pp.).
Neuhaus F, Mueller D, Tanasescu R, Stefaniu C, Zaffalon P-L, Balog S, et al.
Against the rules: pressure induced transition from high to reduced order
Soft Matter. 2018; 14(19): 3978-3986.
Isabettini S, Stucki S, Massabni S, Baumgartner ME, Reckey PQ, Kohlbrecher J, et al.
Development of smart optical gels with highly magnetically responsive bicelles
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2018; 10(10): 8926-8936.
Neuhaus F, Mueller D, Tanasescu R, Balog S, Ishikawa T, Brezesinski G, et al.
Synthesis and biophysical characterization of an odd-numbered 1,3-diamidophospholipid
Langmuir. 2018; 34(10): 3215-3220.
Ishikawa T
Organization of dyneins in the axoneme
In: King SM, ed. Dyneins: The biology of dynein motors. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2018:203-217.
Obbineni JM, Yamamoto R, Ishikawa T
A simple and fast approach for missing-wedge invariant classification of subtomograms extracted from filamentous structures
Journal of Structural Biology. 2017; 197(2): 145-154.
Zhu X, Poghosyan E, Gopal R, Liu Y, Ciruelas KS, Maizy Y, et al.
General and specific promotion of flagellar assembly by a flagellar nucleoside diphosphate kinase
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2017; 28(22): 3029-3042.
Isabettini S, Liebi M, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Fischer P, Windhab EJ, et al.
Mastering the magnetic susceptibility of magnetically responsive bicelles with 3β-amino-5-cholestene and complexed lanthanide ions
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017; 19(17): 10820-10824.
Isabettini S, Baumgartner ME, Reckey PQ, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Fischer P, et al.
Methods for generating highly magnetically responsive lanthanide-chelating phospholipid polymolecular assemblies
Langmuir. 2017; 33(25): 6363-6371.
Neuhaus F, Mueller D, Tanasescu R, Balog S, Ishikawa T, Brezesinski G, et al.
Vesicle origami: cuboid phospholipid vesicles formed by template-free self-assembly
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2017; 56(23): 6515-6518.
Isabettini S, Massabni S, Hodzic A, Durovic D, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, et al.
Molecular engineering of lanthanide ion chelating phospholipids generating assemblies with a switched magnetic susceptibility
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017; 19(31): 20991-21002.
Buscema M, Matviykiv S, Mészáros T, Gerganova G, Weinberger A, Mettal U, et al.
Immunological response to nitroglycerin-loaded shear-responsive liposomes in vitro and in vivo
Journal of Controlled Release. 2017; 264: 14-23.
Ishikawa T
Axoneme structure from motile cilia
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 2017; 9(1): a028076 (18 pp.).
Yamamoto R, Obbineni JM, Alford LM, Ide T, Owa M, Hwang J, et al.
Chlamydomonas DYX1C1/PF23 is essential for axonemal assembly and proper morphology of inner dynein arms
PLoS Genetics. 2017; 13(10): e1006996 (21 pp.).
Isabettini S, Liebi M, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Windhab EJ, Fischer P, et al.
Tailoring bicelle morphology and thermal stability with lanthanide-chelating cholesterol conjugates
Langmuir. 2016; 32(35): 9005-9014.
Cypranowska CA, Yildiz A, Ishikawa T
In: Bradshaw RA, Stahl PD, eds. Encyclopedia of cell biology. Reference module in biomedical sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016:620-636.
Ishikawa T
Electron tomography
In: Bradshaw RA, Stahl PD, eds. Encyclopedia of cell biology. Reference module in biomedical sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2016:22-31.
Aroua S, Tiu EGV, Ishikawa T, Yamakoshi Y
Well-defined amphiphilic C60-PEG conjugates: water-soluble and thermoresponsive materials
Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2016; 99(10): 805-813.
Tanasescu R, Lanz MA, Mueller D, Tassler S, Ishikawa T, Reiter R, et al.
Vesicle origami and the influence of cholesterol on lipid packing
Langmuir. 2016; 32(19): 4896-4903.
Weinberger A, Tanasescu R, Stefaniu C, Fedotenko LA, Favarger F, Ishikawa T, et al.
Bilayer properties of 1,3-diamidophospholipids
Langmuir. 2015; 31(6): 1879-1884.
Diaz A, Malkova B, Holler M, Guizar-Sicairos M, Lima E, Panneels V, et al.
Three-dimensional mass density mapping of cellular ultrastructure by ptychographic X-ray nanotomography
Journal of Structural Biology. 2015; 192(3): 461-469.
Liebi M, Kuster S, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Walde P, Windhab EJ, et al.
Design of magnetically responsive phospholipid bicelles towards switchable optical hydrogels
Swiss Neutron News. Published 2015. Accessed no date.
Aroua S, Tiu EGV, Ayer M, Ishikawa T, Yamakoshi Y
RAFT synthesis of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) amine and preparation of a water-soluble C60-PVP conjugate
Polymer Chemistry. 2015; 6(14): 2616-2619.
Fodor D, Ishikawa T, Krumeich F, van Bokhoven JA
Synthesis of single crystal nanoreactor materials with multiple catalytic functions by incipient wetness impregnation and ion exchange
Advanced Materials. 2015; 27(11): 1919-1923.
Maheshwari A, Obbineni JM, Bui KH, Shibata K, Toyoshima YY, Ishikawa T
α- and β-Tubulin Lattice of the Axonemal Microtubule Doublet and Binding Proteins Revealed by Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography
Structure. 2015; 23(9): 1584-1595.
Ishikawa T
Cryo-electron tomography of motile cilia and flagella
Cilia. 2015; 4(Suppl. 1): 3 (20 pp.).
Ishikawa T
Protein tagging reveals new insights into signaling in flagella
Journal of Cell Biology. 2014; 204(5): 631-633.
Ueno H, Bui KH, Ishikawa T, Imai Y, Yamaguchi T, Ishikawa T
Structure of dimeric axonemal dynein in cilia suggests an alternative mechanism of force generation
Cytoskeleton. 2014; 71(7): 412-422.
Liebi M, Kuster S, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Fischer P, Walde P, et al.
Magnetically enhanced bicelles delivering switchable anisotropy in optical gels
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2014; 6(2): 1100-1105.
Ishikawa T
3D structure of eukaryotic flagella/cilia by cryo-electron tomography
Biophysics. 2013; 9: 141-148.
Liebi M, Kuster S, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Fischer P, Walde P, et al.
Cholesterol-diethylenetriaminepentaacetate complexed with thulium ions integrated into bicelles to increase their magnetic alignability
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2013; 117(47): 14743-14748.
Bui KH, Ishikawa T
3D structural analysis of flagella/cilia by cryo-electron tomography
In: Marshall WF, ed. Cilia, part A. Methods in enzymology. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2013:305-323.
Ueno H, Ishikawa T, Bui KH, Gonda K, Ishikawa T, Yamaguchi T
Mouse respiratory cilia with the asymmetric axonemal structure on sparsely distributed ciliary cells can generate overall directional flow
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2012; 8(7): 1081-1087.
Maheshwari A, Ishikawa T
Heterogeneity of dynein structure implies coordinated suppression of dynein motor activity in the axoneme
Journal of Structural Biology. 2012; 179(2): 235-241.
Liebi M, Kohlbrecher J, Ishikawa T, Fischer P, Walde P, Windhab EJ
Cholesterol increases the magnetic aligning of bicellar disks from an aqueous mixture of DMPC and DMPE-DTPA with complexed thulium ions
Langmuir. 2012; 28(29): 10905-10915.
Junker K, Zandomeneghi G, Guo Z, Kissner R, Ishikawa T, Kohlbrecher J, et al.
Mechanistic aspects of the horseradish peroxidase-catalysed polymerisation of aniline in the presence of AOT vesicles as templates
RSC Advances. 2012; 2(16): 6478-6495.
Ueno H, Ishikawa T, Bui KH, Gonda K, Ishikawa T, Yamaguchi T
Analysis of ciliary motion and the axonemal structure in the mouse respiratory cilia
In: ASME 2012 summer bioengineering conference, SBC 2012. ; 2012:(2 pp.).
Lowell AN, Qiao H, Liu T, Ishikawa T, Zhang H, Oriana S, et al.
Functionalized low-density lipoprotein nanoparticles for in vivo enhancement of atherosclerosis on magnetic resonance images
Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2012; 23(11): 2313-2319.
Ishikawa T
Structural biology of cytoplasmic and axonemal dyneins
Journal of Structural Biology. 2012; 179(2): 229-234.
Pigino G, Maheshwari A, Bui KH, Shingyoji C, Kamimura S, Ishikawa T
Comparative structural analysis of eukaryotic flagella and cilia from Chlamydomonas, Tetrahymena, and sea urchins
Journal of Structural Biology. 2012; 178(2): 199-206.
Tokutsu R, Kato N, Bui KH, Ishikawa T, Minagawa J
Revisiting the supramolecular organization of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012; 287(37): 31574-31581.
Bui KH, Yagi T, Yamamoto R, Kamiya R, Ishikawa T
Polarity and asymmetry in the arrangement of dynein and related structures in the Chlamydomonas axoneme
Journal of Cell Biology. 2012; 198(5): 913-925.
Ishikawa T
3D structures of axonemes
In: Hirose K, ed. Handbook of Dynein. New York: Jenny Stanford Publishing; 2011:245-266.
Bui KH, Pigino G, Ishikawa T
Three-dimensional structural analysis of eukaryotic flagella/cilia by electron cryo-tomography
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2011; 18(1): 2-5.
Ishikawa T
Organization of dyneins in the axoneme
In: King SM, ed. Dyneins. Structure, biology and disease. Elsevier; 2011:244-271.
Pigino G, Bui KH, Maheshwari A, Lupetti P, Diener D, Ishikawa T
Cryoelectron tomography of radial spokes in cilia and flagella
Journal of Cell Biology. 2011; 195(4): 673-687.
Nucleotide-induced global conformational changes of flagellar dynein arms revealed by in situ analysis
NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 17, 761 (2010).DOI: 10.1038/nsmb.1832
Three-dimensional structural analysis of eukaryotic flagella/cilia by electron cryo-tomography
JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 18, 2 (2010).DOI: 10.1107/s0909049510036812
- Asymmetry of inner dynein arms and inter-doublet links in Chlamydomonas flagella
The Journal of Cell Biology 186, 437 (2009).DOI: 10.1083/jcb.200903082
Molecular architecture of inner dynein arms in situ in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella
The Journal of Cell Biology 183, 923 (2008).DOI: 10.1083/jcb.200808050
- Structure of the E. coli signal recognition particle bound to a translating ribosome
NATURE 448, 1076 (2007).DOI: 10.1038/nature06169
- Structure of the E. coli signal recognition particle bound to a translating ribosome
NATURE 444, 503 (2006).DOI: 10.1038/nature05182
before 2005
Ishikawa, T., Maurizi, M.R. and Steven, A.C. (2004) “The N-terminal substrate-binding domain of ClpA unfoldase is highly mobile and extends axially from the distal surface of ClpAP protease” J. Struct. Biol. 146, 180-188.
Zakalskiy, A., Hoegenauer, G., Ishikawa, T., Wehrschuetz-Sigl, E., Wendler, F., Teis, D. Zisser, D., Steven, A.C. and Bergler, H. (2002) “Structural and enzymatic properties of the AAA Protein Drg1p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Decoupling of intracellular function from ATPase activity and hexamerization” J. Biol. Chem. 277, 26788-26795.
Miyanishi, T., Ishikawa, T., Hayashibara, T., Maita, T. and Wakabayashi, T. (2002) “The two actin-binding regions on the myosin heads of cardiac muscle” Biochemistry 41, 5429-5438.
Ishikawa, T., Beuron, F., Kessel, M., Wickner, S., Maurizi, M.R. and Steven, A.C. (2001) “Translocation pathway of protein substrates in ClpAP protease” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 4328-33.
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