
Energy is produced, consumed, and has an effect on the environment - all of these phases are researched at the Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences (CEE), with the ultimate goal of promoting development towards a sustainable energy supply system. Energy research at PSI focuses on processes that can be used in sustainable and safe technologies for an energy supply that is as CO2-free as possible with a focus on renewable energies and low-emission energy conversion. The composition of 150 researchers in a radius of 100 meters at CEE allows for a close collaboration in doing so.

"To conduct world leading research and develop solutions for a sustainable future."

"CEE conducts groundbreaking fundamental and applied research and educates future experts. We facilitate internal and external collaborations  to serve the public, industry and the government. We leverage our unique experimental facilities and modeling methods to research and solve complex challenges related to energy, resources and the environment."

Together with partners from research, academia, industry, and the public sector, the Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences seeks to benefit society, bridging the gap between fundamental research and application-oriented developments between TRL 1 and 6. Successful research, therefore, strives for partnerships with other expert groups.

Topics researched at the Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences (CEE) comprise Electrochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Catalysis, Biomass, and Thermal Processes. Topics researched at the Center for Nuclear Engineering and Sciences (NES) include Thermal Hydraulics, Reactor Physics, Waste Management, Radiochemistry, and Nuclear Materials. The two centers overlap in the field of Energy System Analysis.