News & Highlights

Lubna Dada

Deciphering the Skies: Lubna Dada receives Ambizione grant funding for "BioPSI" Atmospheric Research Project

Lubna Dada, Scientist at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) was granted the Ambizione Grant 2023 with her project “Biological Particle Sources and Impact (BioPSI)”. Lubna’s journey of her visionary research project “BioPSI” is set to commence in January 2024, with the anticipation of welcoming a PhD student into the project.

Lubna Dada Swiss Aerosol Prize 2023

Lubna Dada wins Swiss Aerosol Award 2023!

Dr. Lubna Dada, scientist at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, at Paul Scherrer Institute received the Swiss Aerosol Award 2023 from the Swiss Lung Foundation in Bern for her excellent work on warm airmass intrusions from mid-latitudes into the Arctic. 


New Study Reveals Surprising Climate Benefits of Agriculture

The big challenges our planet faces—like climate change, food supply, water, and biodiversity—are all interlinked. While agriculture continues to be the primary source of food for human kind, it imposes climate challenges especially through emissions like greenhouse gases and ammonia. To solve this, we need a new approach that reduces the harmful effects of farming on the climate. 

Emanuele Moioli

Revolutionizing Renewable Processes: Ambizione Grant Winner Emanuele Moioli

Emanuele Moioli is one of the recipients of the prestigious Ambizione Grant awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) on a yearly basis. With the great news of his award having arrived in August 2022, Moioli embarks on the journey of his groundbreaking project titled “Moving catalyst vs. Multi-catalyst: determination of the best reactor for the processing of unconventional feedstock,” set to commence this August 2023.

Andrea Baccarini

Andrea Baccarini – Winner of the Prix de Quervain

Andrea Baccarini, former PhD at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI won the prestigious Prix de Quervain.

Susan Taylor

"The skills I had acquired during my PhD were 1 to 1 transferrable in my role as a Development Scientist"

Susan Taylor completed her PhD at the Laboratory for Electrochemistry at the Paul Scherrer Institute in 2017. Today she works as a Senior Analyst at S&P Global and reflects with us on her PhD years at PSI.

synfuel meeting 11

SynFuel Initiative Meeting

On November 7th, the SynFuel Initiative project meeting between PSI and Empa scientists took place. This was the first time the scientists involved in the collaboration met in person as this was not possible before due to the pandemic. The scientists presented their work on the sub-projects of the SynFuel Initiative to each other and had an exchange. The day ended with a tour of the SLS and GanyMeth.