Von Hamos spectrometer for tender energies open to users

Left panel: View into von Hamos spectrometer. One the left side the cylindrical crystal for the spectrometer is visible. Right panel: Cl K-edge spectrum, taken in total fluorescence and HERFD mode
A new compact von Hamos spectrometer for tender x-rays (current energy range 2.25-4.5 keV), is now available for emission spectroscopy. This spectrometer allows analyzing the energetic composition of fluorescent light from the sample. It provides research opportunities for emission spectroscopy, and RIXS on the K (P-Sc), L (Zr-Cs) and M (Ir-Fr) absorption edges. It is a compact instrument, with a crystal radius of 7 cm. As detector the MOENCH detector, as PSI internal development, is used. If used with a microfocussed beam an energy resolution of better that 0.5 eV can be achieved. Most importantly, the spectrometer is completely integrated into the x-ray scanning microscope, and hence can be coupled to routine imaging applications. To use the spectrometer please contact the beamline scientist (thomas.huthwelker@psi.ch).
Dr. Thomas Huthwelker
Beamline Manager, In-situ Spectroscopy for Environmental Science Group Swiss Light Source, WLGA 212
Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen - PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 5314
E-mail: thomas.huthwelker@psi.ch