Diffraction Programs on PC

PC-Software download from LNSA15 (FTP, user=lnslib, pw=.. , directory=pclnslib), the NT-group account G:3300 (Diffraction-Software) or directly from the ccp-14 site (Collaborative Computational Project Number 14) or DMOZ (open directory project).

Free software unless indicated
Code 3300
: Software download from disk lnswin or lnsmac, access: LNS-Staff (group 3300)
Atoms : Structure plots and powder pattern simulation Download, Manual (PSI domain only)
DrawXT : Structure plots Download, Manual
Diamond : Structure plots and powder pattern simulation (3300) (PSI domain only)
Cryscon : Change of input format for different programs Download, Manual (PSI domain only)
Match : Database search for matching powder data (D. Sheptyakov, restricted to 1 PC) (PSI domain only)
Mody : Magnetic groups and representations Download
Sarah : Magnetic groups and representations Download
Crystals: Powder Refinment, Structure Plots Download
Creduc: Search for primitive cell
spcgrp: Spacegroups and its elements (3300)
Missym: Search for missing symmetry elements
Cdfile: Support program for myssym and creduc
Cdedit: Support program for myssym and creduc
FOX: Structure solution/refinement from NPD, Xray (direct method) Download, Manual
EXPO: Automatic structure determination from powder data Download, Manual
FIT: Program to fit any data (3300)
LATEX(Miktex)/Editor(TeXnicCenter) (3300)
OpenDX (3300) (PSI domain only)

Fullprof : Refinement of neutron- and X-ray diffraction data Download, Manual/Tutorials, Input-File
Lazy Pulverix: Simulation of powder patterns for X-ray/neutrons Info (not available for PC anymore)
Powdercell: Multiphase Analysis using Database Structures Download

Jana2006 : Refinement of single crystal data Download, Manual
Orient-Express: Indexing of Laue-pictures Download-Page or ZIP-file