Solid State Structures Group

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The Solid State Structures Group is a group within the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging (LNS), Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), division Research with Neutrons and Muons (NUM). We operate several instruments at the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ: The high resolution neutron powder diffractometer HRPT, the cold neutron powder diffractometer DMC, the neutron single crystal diffractometer ZEBRA, and the in-house instruments ORION, MORPHEUS and NARZISS. In addition, the multi-option reflectometer AMOR and the small-angle instrument SANS-I are jointly operated with the Soft Matter Group.

DMC cold neutron powder diffractometer λ=2.45 - 6 Å , Δd/d ≥ .006, 2D detector
HRPT thermal powder diffractometer λ=1.044 - 2.953 Å, Δd/d ≥ .0009, linear detector with 1600 channels (0.1°)
ZEBRA thermal single crystal diffractometer λ=1.177 Å, 2.317 Å , Δd/d ≥ .005, 4-circle open cradle and tilt-mode, single and 2D detector
AMOR vertical TOF reflectometer polarisation option
SANS-I small angle scattering 6.10-4 Å-1 < q < 1.05 Å-1, polarisation

and the test / in-house beamlines

ORION single-crystal diffractometer in-house, crystal alignement
MORPHEUS polarised 4-circle diffractometer in-house, test instrument
NARZISS polarised reflectometer in-house, neutron optics

Beside the research project of the group as well as various LNS research projects in condensed matter physics, we support external users of our instruments in performing the experiments and in the first data treatment. Well prepared experiments together with the collaboration between outside and inside experts is very fruitful and yields excellent results. We are well supported by the LIN laboratory concerning computing and sample environment and the condensed matter theory group (CMT) in the evaluation of our data.

A permanently updated publication list is available on our site (view publications).

Instrument Projects

AMOR: Implementation of a new scheme for high-intensity specular reflectometry - SELENE

DMC: Upgrade with a large high-efficiency 3He detector with 2D readout

ESS Instrument HEIMDAL: The hybrid instrument HEIMDAL is combining thermal and cold neutron diffraction, small angle scattering and neutron imaging in one instrument.

We are partner in the Erasmus Mundus Program MaMaSELF