The particle theory seminars are organized by the Theory Group of the Laboratory for Particle Physics (LTP) at PSI.
Upcoming seminars
The next seminar will take place on Thursday, March 20, at 11:00 AM in WBGB/020.
Speaker: Eirini Lymperiadou (HISKP, University of Bonn)
Title: A model for light tensor meson transition form factors
This work deals with the construction of a mostly dynamical approach for the derivation of tensor meson transition form factors (TFFs). The specific case of the a2(1320) tensor meson is examined in the context of the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) term of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_μ. The goal is to provide a TFF description that will minimize the uncertainties introduced due to model dependencies, approximation and the scarcity of data for this case. The constructed framework and the calculations performed will be presented along with the utilized theoretical concepts, such as dispersion relations, left-hand cuts and the Passarinio-Veltman decomposition.
The last seminar took place on Friday, February 21 at 11:30 AM in WHGA/121
Speaker: Lisa Biermann (PSI)
Title: Aspects of the Electroweak Phase Transition
The hot early universe might have been in a different ground state than our universe today. This opens the possiblity that our universe transitioned from a high-temperature vacuum (which for example restores the electroweak symmetry) to the low-temperature vacuum of today in which the electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken via an electroweak phase transition (EWPT). Models beyond the Standard Model (BSM) can (unlike the Standard Model) encorporate a (strong) first-order EWPT while also reproducing all experimental collider data. This additional possibility of a strong first-order EWPT can then serve as the required departure from thermal equilibrium, allowing to explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe at the electroweak scale. Furthermore, a first-order EWPT sources a stochastic gravitational wave background to which e.g. the future space-bound gravitational wave observatory LISA might become sensitive.
In this talk, I will dive into finite-temperature field theory and present several BSM extensions of the scalar sector that allow for first-order electroweak phase transitions, as well as observable gravitational waves. I will highlight how EWPTs position these models at the intersection of collider phenomenology and cosmology, i.e. how they are tested from these two perspectives.
Previous seminars
Date | Speaker | Title | Institute | Time/place |
21.02.2025 | L. Biermann | Aspects of the Electroweak Phase Transition | PSI | Friday, 11:30 WHGA/121 |
13.02.2025 | M. Ramsey-Musolf | How Viable is Electroweak Baryogenesis? | T.D. Lee Institute/Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Massachusetts Amherst | Thursday, 16:00 WBGB/019 |
31.01.2025 | G. Billis | The Drell-Yan qT spectrum at N3LL' and Approximate N4LL | PSI | Friday, 11:30 WHGA/121 |
18.12.2024 | N. Hermansson-Truedsson | On some Standard Model precision tests from the muon g-2 and CKM matrix elements | U. Edinburgh | Wednesday, 17:00 WBGB/019 |
28.11.2024 | S. E. Pögel | Geometries, Calabi-Yau Manifolds, and Feynman Integrals | PSI | Thursday, 11:30 WBGB/021 |
21.11.2024 | Y. Yedelkina | Vector-quarkonium production in photon-photon and photon-proton collisions up to one loop in quantum chromodynamics | PSI | Thursday, 11:30 WBGB/020 |
02.08.24 | V. Cirigliano | The first row of the CKM matrix: puzzles and perspectives | INT, U. Washington | Friday, 11:00 WGHA/001 |
04.07.24 | A. E. Thomsen | Gauge-Fixing in EFT Matching Calculations | AEC, U. Bern | Thursday, 11:15 OSGA/EG6b |
28.04.22 | A. Shindler | Unravelling Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe | Michigan State University | Thursday, 10:00 OFLG/402 |
29.06.21 | T. Plehn | Global SMEFT Analyses for the LHC | U. Heidelberg | Tuesday, 17:00 online |
01.06.21 | N. Schär | Automation of NNLO Amplitude Construction in OpenLoops | PSI | Tuesday, 17:00 online |
27.04.21 | L. Vernazza | On the factorization of scattering processes near threshold at next-to-leading power | U. Torino | Tuesday, 17:00 online |
13.04.21 | M. Spira | Higgs Boson Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders | PSI | Tuesday, 17:00 online |
02.12.20 | P. Monni | Parton showers beyond logarithmic accuracy | CERN | Wednesday 11:30 online |
20.11.20 | M. Grazzini | Differential predictions for ttbar at NNLO | University of Zürich | Friday 11:30 online |
21.10.20 | G. Stagnitto | The partonic structure of the electron at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in QED | University of Zürich | Wednesday 11:30 online |
30.09.20 | M. Riembau | EFT anomalous dimensions from the S-matrix | University of Genève/EPFL | Wednesday 11:30 WHGA/U129 |
13.02.20 | L. Vernazza | Hadronic B Decays | INFN Torino | Thursday 16:00, WHGA/U129 |
21.01.20 | M. Schreck | Quantum gravity phenomenology: Testing CPT- and Lorentz invariance | Universidade Federal do Maranhao | Tuesday 15:00, WHGA/001 |
29.10.19 | P. Torrielli | Infrared subtraction and factorisation beyond NLO in QCD | University of Turin | Tuesday 14:00, WBGB/021 |
10.04.18 | O. Tomalak | Two-photon exchange corrections to elastic lepton-proton scattering and atomic spectroscopy | University of Mainz | Tuesday 11:30, WBGB/020 |
14.03.18 | N. Michel | Hyperfine structure of heavy muonic atoms | MPI for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg | Wednesday 14:00, WHGA/121 |
04.12.17 | J. Heeck | New Perspectives on Lepton Flavor Violation | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Monday 14:00, WBGB/020 |
24.10.17 | M. Spira | Higgs Boson Decay and Production at Hadron Colliders | PSI | Tuesday 15:00, WBGB/020 |
04.10.17 | M. Zoller | A new method for one-loop amplitude generation and reduction in OpenLoops | Zurich University | Wednesday 11:30, WBGB/020 |
22.09.17 | L. Calibbi | Two ways of connecting flavour to Dark Matter: flavour portals and axiflavon | ITP Beijing | Friday 15:00, WHGA/121 |
07.09.17 | R. Mandal | Rare B decays and new physics | IMS Chennai | Thursday 15:00, WHGA/121 |
11.07.17 | M. Blanke | Simplified models of quark-flavoured dark matter beyond MFV | ITP Karlsruhe | Tuesday 15:00, WHGA/121 |
12.06.17 | C. Frugiuele | Atomic probes of new physics | Weizmann Inst. | Monday 16:00, WBWA/210 |
26.01.17 | D. Stöckinger | Higgs boson mass: the quest for precise predictions in SUSY models | TU Dresden | Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021 |
16.12.16 | T. Geib | Conversion of Bound Muons: Lepton Flavour and Number Violation | MPI Munich | Friday 11:00, WHGA/121 |
28.11.16 | O. Fischer | Testing the origin of neutrino masses at future high-energy colliders | Basel | Monday 11:00, WBGB/21 |
14.11.16 | A. Greljo | R(D*) anomaly and its implications for LHC | UZH | Monday 11:00, WHGA/121 |
19.11.14 | G. Luisoni | NLO Computations with GoSam: from LHC to muon decay | MPI Munich | Wednesday 10:30, WBGB/020 |
11.02.14 | C. Ji | Nuclear polarization effects in muonic atoms | TRIUMF | Tuesday 11:30, WBGB/021 |
03.12.13 | M. Pruna | The impact of dimension 6 effective vertices in LFV muonic transitions | PSI | Tuesday 11:30, WBGB/021 |
26.11.13 | T. Robens | Higgs Singlet extension in the light of the LHC discovery | TU Dresden | Tuesday 11:30, WBGB/021 |
15.10.13 | R. Gröber | Vector-like fermions in Composite Higgs Models | ITP Karlsruhe | Thursday 11:30, WBGB/020 |
17.09.13 | J. Diaz | Lorentz symmetry breaking: phenomenology and experiments | Indiana | Tuesday 11:30, WBGB/019 |
30.07.13 | M. Pospelov | Low-energy constraints on muon and tau neutral current parity-violating processes | Perimeter | Tuesday 11:30, WBGB/019 |
13.12.12 | S. Plätzer | Matching, merging and all that | DESY | Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021 |
06.12.12 | A. Carmona | New Production Mechanism for Composite Higgs at the LHC | ETHZ | Thursday 11:30, WBGB/021 |
22.10.12 | E. Popenda | Korrekturen nächst-führender Ordnung in supersymmetrischer QCD zur Squark-Paarproduktion am LHC | Karlsruhe/PSI | Monday 14:30, WBGB/021 |
11.09.12 | L. Hosekova | Corrections to the Production of Two Leptons Pairs via Vector-Boson Fusion at LHC | Valencia | Tuesday 11:30, WBGA/B16 |