Jobs & Education

Many of our staff members do give lectures at various universities. Below please find a summary of those:

Name Title of the lecture University
A. Antognini Physics II ETH Zurich
G. Bison, W. Erdmann Electronics for Physicists I ETH Zurich
K. Kirch Physics I ETH Zurich
K. Kirch Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics ETH Zurich
K. Kirch Nuclear and Particle Physics with Applications ETH Zurich
U. Langenegger, L. Caminada Experimental Methods and Instruments of Particle Physics ETHZ and Univ. Zurich
A. Papa Physics Lab I - 1st year course at the Department of Physics Univ. Pisa
A. Papa Physics II - 2nd year course at the Department of Engineering (Energy and Mechanics) Univ. Pisa
A. Signer Mathematical Methods of Physics I Univ. Zurich
A. Signer Mathematical Methods of Physics II Univ. Zurich
A. Signer Quantum Mechanics I Univ. Zurich
A. Signer Quantum Mechanics II Univ. Zurich and ETH Zurich
A. Signer Advanced Field Theory Univ. Zurich and ETH Zurich
A. Soter, A. Antognini Particle Physics at PSI ETH Zurich
A. Soter, P. Schmidt-Wellenburg Low energy particle physics ETH Zurich
M. Spira Colloquia in Elementary Particle Physics PSI
M. Spira Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model ETH Zurich
P. Stoffer Effective Field Theories for Particle Physics Univ. Zurich and ETH Zurich

The Laboratory of Particle Physics offers various opportunities to students for practical training, semester projects and postgraduate theses. This page is constantly updated and gives an overview of these possibilities.

Particle Physics Practical Course

Thanks to the collaboration with the PSI laboratory, it is possible to offer students of the University Zurich , ETH Zürich and University of Heidelberg the unique opportunity to experiment with real beams (primarily pions and muons) using the world's most intense proton beam. The students learn how to build a small, real experiment, including apparatus design, construction as well as data-taking and the final statistical analysis."

Thanks to the shared professorships located within LTP, semester thesis projects can be conducted in our laboratory at PSI.
Concerning experimental projects, contact Klaus Kirch , regarding theoretical particle physics, contact Adrian Signer .