MX People

The MX team operates three SLS beamlines: X06SA, X10SA, and X06DA; the Cristallina-MX instrument at SwissFEL; and the Crystallisation Facility.


Smith, Kate Dr. 
MX Data Group Leader & Software Developer until 2024-11. Next position at AS.

Assmann, Greta Marie Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2023-09. Next position at PSI AWI.

Aumonier, Sylvain Cyprien Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2023-09.

Eris, Deniz Dr. 
Industry Service Scientist until 2023-03. Next position at Novartis.

Wojdyla, Justyna Aleksandra Dr.
MX Data Group Leader. Next position at GSK.

Dworkowski, Florian Dr.
Beamline Scientist in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2022-07. Next position at Swiss-FEL Alvra.

Schneider, Roman
Technician in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2022-03. Retired.

Engilberge, Sylvain Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2020-12. Next position at ESRF.

Martiel, Isabelle Therese Dr.
Beamline and Sample Scientist in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2020-07. Next position at SBB.

Kaminski, Jakub Dr.
Software Engineer in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2020-03. Next position at OpenEye Scientific, US

Vera, Laura Franceline Sin Ae
Technician in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2020-03. Next position at IGF, Montpellier, F

Nass, Karol Jan Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2019-07. Next position at SwissFEL, PSI

Casadei, Cecilia Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2019-05. Next position at the Laboratory of Biomolecular Research, PSI

Basu, Shibom Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2019-04. Next position at EMBL Grenoble

Warshamanage, Rangana Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2017-01. Next position at LBL BioSciences Lab

Leuenberger, James
Beamline Engineer in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2016-11. Next position at Advanced Osteotomie Tools AOT

Finke, Aaron Dr.
Post Doc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2016-07. Next position at Cornell University

Casanas, Arnau Dr.
Postdoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2016-02. Next position at MoneyPark AG, Zürich, CH.

Weinert, Tobias Dr.
Postdoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2015-10. Next position at PSI LBR

Schneider, Joerg
Beamline Technician in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2015-02. Next position at SwissFEL, PSI

Peng, Guanya
PhD Student in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2014-11. Next position at Roche, CH.

Waltersperger, Sandro Dr.
Beamline Scientist in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2014-09. Next position at Gymnasium Neufeld Bern

Pradervand, Claude
Beamline Engineer in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2014-04. Next position at SwissFEL

Giordano, Rita Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2013-05. Next position at Researcher at Quintiles, Strasbourg

Fuchs, Martin Dr.
Beamline Scientist in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2013-02. Next position at Photon Sciences, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Stirnimann, Christian Dr.
Crystallisation Facility Manager in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2013-01. Next position at Biomedical Automation Technologies, ETH Zürich

Pompidor, Guillaume Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2013-01. Next position at PETRAIII, EMBL, Hamburg

Mueller, Marcus Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2012-07. Next position at DECTRIS

Rajendran, Chitra Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2012-04. Next position at Universität Regensburg, Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie

Thominet, Vincent
Optics Engineer in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2011-06. Next position at SLS Optics Group

Schulze-Briese, Clemens Dr.
group leader in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2011-04. Next position at DECTRIS

Bingel-Erlenmeyer, Rouven Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2011-02. Next position at ESBATech

Owen, Robin Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2011-01. Next position at Diamond Light Source

Truan, Daphné
PhD Student in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2010-10. Next position at Dept. Chem. and Pharm. VU Amsterdam

Russo, Santina Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2009-03. Next position at Expose GmbH

Diez, Joachim Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2009-02. Next position at Expose GmbH

Roccamante, Mauro
Beamline Technician in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2008-11

Gutmann, Sascha Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2008-04. Next position at NOVARTIS

Meents, Alke Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2008-02. Next position at DESY, Hasylab, P11

Pohl, Ehmke Dr.
Beamline scientist in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2007-07. Next position at University of Durham, Depart. of Chemistry

Wagner, Armin Dr.
PostDoc in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2007-01. Next position at Diamond Light Source

Oetiker, Mariana
Beamline scientist in the Macromolecular crystallography group until 2006-04