In a collaboration between PSI and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, a sample position tracking setup based on a computer vision algorithm was developed to automatically track the sample position. A factor of ten improvement on the overlap between consecutive x-ray absorption spectra was obtained when the automatic sample tracking was used.
Soft X-ray spectroscopy is an important technique for measuring the fundamental properties of materials. However, for measurements of samples in the sub-millimetre range, many experimental setups show limitations. Position drifts on the order of hundreds of micrometres during thermal stabilization of the system can last for hours of expensive beam time. To compensate for drifts, sample tracking and feedback systems must be used. However, in complex sample environments where sample access is very limited, many existing solutions cannot be applied.
In this work, we apply a robust computer vision algorithm to automatically track and readjust the sample position in the dozens of micrometres range. Our approach is applied in a complex sample environment, where the sample is in an ultra-high vacuum chamber, surrounded by cooled thermal shields to reach sample temperatures down to 2.5K and in the center of a superconducting split coil.
The algorithm enables a factor of ten improvement in the overlap of a series of X-ray absorption spectra in a sample with a vertical size down to 70µm. This solution can be used in a variety of experimental stations, where optical access is available and sample access by other means is reduced.
Dr. Cinthia Piamonteze
PSI Center for Photon Science
+41 56 310 58 55
Original Publication
Berg M, Furrer D, Thominet V, Wang X, Zeugin S, Grabner H, et al.
distect: automatic sample-position tracking for X-ray experiments using computer vision algorithms
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2024; 31: 1514-1524.