Dislocation interactions at reduced strain rates in atomistic simulations of nanocrystalline Al

Simulated strain distribution in a polymer reinforced Al cruciform sample subjected an equibiaxial load

During the propagation of a lattice dislocation in a nanocrystalline structure, the grain boundary (GB) has to interact with the impinging Burgers vector. Such interaction mechanisms are usually classified as dislocation-GB accommodation and often ascribed to atomic shuffling or stress assisted free volume migration. Here we present a dislocation-GB interaction mechanism where misfit regions available in a nanosized GB can assist the propagation of a lattice dislocation. The mechanism occurs at strain rates 2 orders of magnitude lower than those usually applied in molecular dynamics. An impinging dislocation with a Burgers vector unfavourable to pass the ledge structures of the GB, double cross-slips and interacts with a dislocation loop nucleated from a misfit region of the GB. This results in the cooperative propagation of two perfect dislocations that facilitate the slip of the initial lattice dislocation on a plane with low resolved shear stress. Additionally, the interaction of this dislocation with a dislocation nucleated from another GB and gliding on a parallel slip plane, results in the emission of a vacancy in the grain interior (Figure 1). Both mechanisms are only observed at a reduced strain rate of 106/s and do not occur at higher strain rates of 108/s where high Schmid factor slip systems are preferred. The observed dislocation events are preceded and/or accompanied by several time-dependent GB accommodation processes, brought to the foreground by the reduced strain rate of the simulation, such as GB dislocation upwards motion, local GB migration and GB diffusion.

Dr. Maxime Dupraz
Photons for Engineering and Manufacturing Group
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 2537
E-mail: steven.vanpetegem@psi.ch

Prof. Dr. Helena van Swygenhoven
Photons for Engineering and Manufacturing Group
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland and
Neutrons and X-rays for Mechanics of Materials
Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 2931
E-mail: helena.vanswygenhoven@psi.ch
Original Publication
Dislocation interactions at reduced strain rates in atomistic simulations of nanocrystalline Al
M. Dupraz, Z. Sun, C. Brandle, H. Van Swygenhoven
Acta Materialia 144, 68-79 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.10.043