
We are currently working on various possible future projects. 

The SACRE group is currently working on following projects:

EMUG (European Melcor User Group)
Iodine and Aerosol Retention in Water Pools
PreADES (Preparatory Study on Analysis of Fuel Debris)
SBO (Station BlackOut) Simulations with MELCOR
TCOFF (Thermodynamic Characterisation of Fuel Debris and Fission Products)

Air-SFP NUGENIA+ Project
Air oxidation modeling
ARTIST (AeRosol Trapping In the Steam generaTor)
BSAF (Benchmark Study of the Accident at Fukushima)
CESAM (Code for European Severe Accident Management)
Feasability and plausibility of innovative reactor concepts
FCVS (Filtered Containment Venting System)
Fuel integrity under dry and wet storage, a SwissNuclear project
HERZSAN (HydrogEn Removal by Ag-Zeolites under Severe Accident conditions)
HTR: Simulation of granular flow and dust production in a pebble bed reactor
IAEA project to collect and interpret data from Fukushima SFP's
Iodine retention under severe accident conditions, a SwissNuclear project
Particle break-up upon impaction
PASSAM (Passive and Active Systems towards enhanced Severe Accident source term Mitigation)
Particle depletion in a differentially heated Cavity
PRECISE (Precise REflux Condensation Investigation SEtup)
SAMOSAFER (SAfety features of MOlten salt FAst Reactors)
SFP (Sandia Fuel Project)
SFP Status Report, Status report on knowledge about SFP severe accident phenomenology
SFP PIRT Report, Priority report for future SFP related research and investigations
Spent fuel under severe accident conditions
Spent Fuel Pool activities
SGTR (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)
Wet storage pool under severe accident conditions