OECD/NEA - Status report on SFP accident behavior

OECD/NEA organised an international writing group to collect the knowlegde about spent fuel behaviour under severe accident conditions. The Status Report on Spent Fuel Pools under Loss-of-Cooling Accident Conditions was finished in 2014 and was released in 2015 after agreement of CSNI. The SACRE group was member of the writing team.


Status Report on Spent Fuel Pools under Loss-of-Cooling and Loss-of-Coolant Accident Conditions
Adorni M., Esmaili H., Grant W., Hollands T., Hózer Z., Jäckel B.S., Muñoz M., Nakajima T., Rocchi F., Stručić M., Trégourès N., Vokáč P.
NEA/CSNI/R(2015)2 (2015).
DOI: www.oecd-nea.org/nsd/docs/2015/csni-r2015-2.pdf