SINQ/SμS - Experimental Reports

  • Within 6 months after finishing an experiment a one-page experimental report should be submitted.
  • If a new proposal refers to a previous one it is mandatory that the experimental report of the preceding experiment has already been submitted.
  • The reports can only be submitted via DUO. For that purpose the main author or one of the co-proposers should choose the menu function 'Experimental reports' from the 'Proposals' box. Then you are asked to select the respective proposal and upload a pdf file with the report. Please download the report template at the bottom of this webpage.
  • For those experiments which received funding within a transnational access program of the EU, the abstract of the experimental report will be extracted as the 'achievements' for the program's annual report. During upload a dialog box opens to ask the main proposer to check the text and eventually to modify the abstract if needed.

Report forms, examples and a checklist for the submission of the reports can be downloaded here. 

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