PSI User Office Paul Scherrer Institute PSIbldg WBBCForschungsstrasse 111CH-5232 Villigen-PSI +41 56 310 46 66
PSI User Office Paul Scherrer Institute PSIbldg WBBCForschungsstrasse 111CH-5232 Villigen-PSI +41 56 310 46 66
PSI User Office Paul Scherrer Institute PSIbldg WBBCForschungsstrasse 111CH-5232 Villigen-PSI +41 56 310 46 66
PSI User Office Paul Scherrer Institute PSIbldg WBBCForschungsstrasse 111CH-5232 Villigen-PSI +41 56 310 46 66
SINQ Operation & Live Status Live Status InformationRealtime status of the PSI proton acceleratorLive status of all PSI acceleratorsOperation InformationBeamtime and experiment schedule of the SINQ instruments User Contacts User OfficePaul Scherrer Institutebldg WBBCForschungsstrasse 111CH-5232 Villigen-PSI+41 56 310 46 User OfficeProvides all information about user access to the PSI Large Research Facilities DUO LoginDirect link to the Digital User Office