Results of experiments at SLS

All publications that are produced based on results obtained at the SLS beamlines should be registered within the PSI publication repository DORA-PSI. Please follow the link 'Add Publication 'from the DORA main menu. The number of paper citations will be taken as a measure of the impact of the SLS, which will influence the future financial support the facility receives.

Requirements for SLS Publications

Any publication resulting from an SLS beamtime project should include an acknowledgement of the facility and corresponding beamline.

For example:
"We acknowledge the Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland for provision of synchrotron radiation beamtime at beamline ### of the SLS."

Publications, including possible co-authorship of the local contact following good scientific practice, should be discussed before submission with the local contact. Some endstations may require additional references to equipment grants and/or instrumentation publications.

The facility and beamline management is very much interested in getting feedback from the users on the performance of the experimental environment of the SLS. For that, we ask you to fill out the End of Run Form at the end of each experiment. Fill out 'End of Run Form'

It is expected that for the final evaluation the experimental data are taken back to the home institution . Especially in case of larger datasets, users are advised to discuss the details with the beamline scientists. Please note that PSI is in the process to implement a new data policy with the guiding principle of open access to experimental data.

Further useful information on data analysis tools may be found here.

It is expected that the results from a measurement at an SLS beamline are published in one of the standard journals of the field.

In order to fill the time gap between measurement and publication, the main author of a proposal (proposer) is asked to submit a short (1-2p) Experimental Report within few months after the experiment, at latest as input to the next proposal. This Experimental Report should contain preliminary information about the measurement describing what has been measured and what are the results expected.

This report is stored in the DUO database together with the other proposal information and will be available to the Proposal Review Committee fort ranking future proposals from authors of this group.

Enter an Experimental Report