Proposal submission - some useful hints

Proposal structure and templates: Please draft your proposal according to the structure provided in the templates below:

Submission is done in three steps:

1) Registration with the DUO (Digital User Office)

All new users are requested to register with the PSI DUO. Registration has to be done only once and is done via the web. As some of the steps involved may take some time it is strongly suggested to register well in advance of the experiment.

2) Submission of experimental reports for previous experiments at the SLS

For the evaluation of the PRC, the reports on previous experiments (experimental reports) will be a very important input and a missing experimental report may seriously affect the chance of a new proposal to be accepted. Proposers are asked to supply for each experiment performed a separate experimental report.

  • Merged proposals: As within the DUO database merged proposals exist only as link to the main proposals. The experimental report for a merged proposal should be entered under the number of the main proposal by mentioning that it is for the merged proposal.
  • Proposers and co-proposers: An experimental report on a proposal can be entered by the proposer and/or by one of the co-proposers.
  • In addition to supplying an experimental report, in a related new proposal a link has to be provided to this proposal / experimental report.

3) After this preparatory work you might start with the submission of the proposal.


Four types of proposals are defined:

  • Normal proposals: Asking for beamtime in the next allocation period to perform an experiment with a specific scientific goal. The results of such experiments must be published in the open literature. Proposals should contain the equivalent of one to max three A4 pages of detailed description.
  • Long term proposals: (NonPX beamlines):Long term proposals run for 18 months and can be granted to users investing time or resources into novel experiments or methods. Examples: building a new end station, making a new instrument or method available to the general user community, developing a novel detector, etc. A beamline typically does not commit more than 30% of the user beamtime to long-term proposals.
  • Long term proposals (PX beamlines): Long term proposals run for 24 months and can be granted to users with very challenging projects, requiring reliable access to beamtime over a longer period. 
  • Test proposals: Users wanting to perform feasibility tests may submit a test proposal, asking for no more than 3 shifts at non PX-beamlines or no more than 1 shift at the PX-beamlines. Acceptance criteria for test proposals are lower than for normal proposals. Results from such test proposals may later be used to support normal proposals. These proposals should contain the equivalent of one A4 page of detailed description.
  • Pilot proposals: Pilot proposals are granted to users willing to collaborate on the commissioning of a beamline. Pilot proposals aim at testing and improving beamline functionality and performance. These proposals are only feasible in collaboration with the beamline staff. They are rated on the basis of their potential to improve the beamline and their scientific merit.
  • Resubmission: The resubmission function for a proposal is available for the Main-Proposer, Principle Investigator as well as for Co-Proposers. The main text of the proposal is identical to the previously submitted proposal. In addition, a brief explanation of maximum 200 words must be provided to justify the request for a resubmission. Resubmission is available for refused proposals only. Supported is one resubmission per refused proposal. Resubmission is restricted to proposals of the last 3 calls.
  • ContinuationAvailable for continuation are accepted proposals from the last 3 calls. The continuation function for a proposal is available to the Main-Proposer and Principal-Investigator only. The main text of the proposal is identical to the previously submitted proposal, including the list of proposers and publications list. Only the sample declaration and number of requested shifts can be modified. In addition, a brief explanation of maximum 200 words must be provided to justify the request for a continuation. The limit is one accepted continuation per proposal. For already measured proposals an experimental report is necessary to enable a continuation.

The recommended length of the scientific description is 3 page A4. Longer descriptions are not accepted. Each proposal must be accompanied by a sample declaration form (included in the DUO application).  For each sample, a separate declaration form has to be submitted.

The same proposal must not be submitted separately to different beam lines

A proposal is submitted by the main proposer who is responsible for this proposal. All information from the DUO and the SLS is sent to the main proposer, who is responsible for distributing this information to the co-proposers.

In case of remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact the PSI User Office.