User Information

For detailed user information please refer to PSI User Office.

The In Situ Spectroscopy beamline (ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) is open to general users. Please discuss the proposal in advance with Dr. Luca Artiglia and Dr. Zbynek Novotny.

The scheduling periods and deadlines for calls for proposals can be found in detail at

You can access the current In Situ Spectroscopy schedule in the SLS Operation Calendar.

General information about how to organize in advance a beamtime is given at PSI User Office - Before Arrival.

PSI User Office - Before Arrival

It is recommended that the principal investigator contacts the responsible scientist to obtain any information required for preparing his/her experiment prior to the beamtime. Users are strongly encouraged to prepare an experimental plan and discuss it with the local scientist 1 to 2 months before the scheduled start of the beamtime period.

The following checklist can be used to prepare the experimental plan:

1. Desired excitation energies
2. Gas/Vapors that have to be dosed
3. Pressure in the experimental cell (10-3  mbar - 5 mbar)
4. Gas dosing setup (mass flow controllers or leak valve/s)
5. Measurement type (static measurement or flow measurement)