Hercules School 2022

PSI hosted again the Hercules School in March 2022. We had the pleasure to welcome 20 international PhD students, PostDocs and scientists to demonstrate our state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies at our large scale facilities, the Swiss Light Source (SLS), the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ) and our free electron laser SwissFEL.

In this virtual school we offered 11 lectures, 10 SLS practicals, 4 SINQ tutorials and 3 virtual tours. The Hercules School is a five-week course organised by the Université Grenoble Alpes, from which one week is carried out at partner facilities (PSI, KIT, Soleil, DESY, European XFEL, Fermi, Elettra, ESRF, Alba or ILL). The local organising committee would like to thank once again all participants, lecturers, tour guides, practical and tutorial supervisors.



Dr. Patrick Hemberger
Reaction Dynamics Group
Paul Scherrer Institut
Telephone: +41 56 310 3236
E-mail: patrick.hemberger@psi.ch 