Candidate Quantum Spin Liquid in the Ce3+ Pyrochlore Stannate Ce2Sn2O7

We report the low-temperature magnetic properties of Ce2Sn2O7, a rare-earth pyrochlore. Our suscep- tibility and magnetization measurements show that due to the thermal isolation of a Kramers doublet ground state, Ce2Sn2O7 has Ising-like magnetic moments of ∼1.18 μB. The magnetic moments are confined to the local trigonal axes, as in a spin ice, but the exchange interactions are antiferromagnetic. Below 1 K, the system enters a regime with antiferromagnetic correlations. In contrast to predictions for classical -Ising spins on the pyrochlore lattice, there is no sign of long-range ordering down to 0.02 K. Our results suggest that Ce2Sn2O7 features an antiferromagnetic liquid ground state with strong quantum fluctuations.

Facility: SμS, SINQ

Reference: R. Sibille et al, Physical Review Letters 115, 097202 (2015)

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