Magnetic states of MnP: muon-spin rotation studies

Muon-spin rotation data collected at ambient pressure (p) and at p = 2.42 GPa in MnP were analyzed to check their consistency with various low- and high-pressure magnetic structures reported in the literature. Our analysis con rms that in MnP the low-temperature and low-pressure helimagnetic phase is characterised by an increased value of the average magnetic moment compared to the high-temperature ferromagnetic phase. An elliptical double-helical structure with a propagation vector Q=(0,0,0.117), an a-axis moment elongated by approximately 18% and an additional tilt of the rotation plane towards c-direction by ∼ 4-8° leads to a good agreement between the theory and the experiment. The analysis of the high-pressure μSR data reveals that the new magnetic order appearing for pressures exceeding 1.5 GPa can not be described by keeping the propagation vector Q||c. Even the extreme case—decoupling the double-helical structure into four individual helices— remains inconsistent with the experiment. It is shown that the high-pressure magnetic phase which is a precursor of superconductivity is an incommensurate helical state with Q||b.

Facility: SμS

Reference: R. Khasanov et al, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 164003 (2017) - JPCM Highlight 2017

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