No-Go Theorem for Nonstandard Explanations of the τ → KSπντ CP Asymmetry

The CP asymmetry in τ → KSπντ, as measured by the BABAR collaboration, differs from the standard model prediction by 2.8 σ. Most nonstandard interactions do not allow for the required strong phase needed to produce a nonvanishing CP asymmetry, leaving only new tensor interactions as a possible mechanism. We demonstrate that, contrary to previous assumptions in the literature, the crucial interference between vector and tensor phases is suppressed by at least 2 orders of magnitude due to Watson’s final-state- interaction theorem. Furthermore, we find that the strength of the relevant CP-violating tensor interaction is strongly constrained by bounds from the neutron electric dipole moment and D—D¯. These observations together imply that it is extremely difficult to explain the current τ → KSπντ measurement in terms of physics beyond the standard model originating in the ultraviolet.

Reference: V. Cirigliano et al, Physical Review Letters 120, 141803 (2018)

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