The PSI Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry studies gases and aerosols in the atmosphere, affected by energy systems and impacting air quality, weather, climate change and human health.
Lab News & Scientific Highlights
Preparing the Future of PSI Large Facilities in Atmospheric Research
The Multiphase Chemistry Group in the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC) looks back to a nearly 20 years record of activities with in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and in situ scanning transmission X-ray spectromicroscopy (STXM) to address key fundamental questions in atmospheric chemistry. This is the time to consider new horizons, align with current and future needs in atmospheric sciences, and to identify novel opportunities driven by upcoming trends in methods, technologies and facilities. This has been the topic of the Workshop ‘X-ray and Neutron Spectroscopy, Scattering and Imaging in Atmospheric Chemistry’, held at PSI 13 – 15 November 2024.
Ein globales Gesundheitsproblem bei der Wurzel packen
Imad El Haddad analysiert am Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences des Paul Scherrer Instituts PSI die chemische Zusammensetzung und die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Feinstaub.
Quellen für Smog in Peking identifiziert
Forschende am PSI ermitteln: Smog-Ursachen in Peking sind weiträumig.
Können Aerosole die Erderwärmung stoppen?
Partikel in die Stratosphäre injizieren und damit die Erde kühlen? PSI-Forscher Markus Ammann äussert sich im Interview kritisch zu umstrittenem solarem Geoengineering.
Albà A, Adelmann A, Rochman D
Uncertainty quantification of spent nuclear fuel with multifidelity Monte Carlo
Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2025; 211: 110892 (17 pp.).
Arnold B, Hanusek T, Liu C, Nikitin K
Preliminary thermal-hydraulic safety analysis of the 600 thermal megawatt dual fluid reactor
Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2025; 213: 111090 (13 pp.).
Berry L, Vasiliev A, Rochman D, Hursin M, Frankl M, Ferroukhi H
Application of the PSI cycle check-up methodology for full-core Monte Carlo simulations verified using pin power estimates and validated for hot zero power conditions
Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2025; 211: 110939 (14 pp.).