Sputtering Laboratory

Who we are

The lab provides in-house deposition of supermirror coatings for neutron optical elements such as neutron guides, polarizers and focusing tools. We specialize in the development and production of these multilayer system with Ni/Ti up to m=6 and polarizing coatings up to m=4.  In addition, we provide our expertise in multi- and single layer deposition to all PSI groups for instrumentation and sample preparation.

What we offer

The sputtering lab is equipped with two inline sputtering machines. We deposit metals, semi-conductors and insulators with an Ar plasma. Typical layer thicknesses range from 1 to 1000 nm.

Maximum area coated380 mmx560 mm50 mm x 200 mm
Number of targets33
DC-magnetron sputteringYesYes
RF sputteringNoYes
Reactive gasesO2, N2, artificial airO2, N2, external port
Substrate cleaning via glow dischargeYesOn demand
Substrate heating during depositionNoYes

For any further information contact Dr. Christine Klauser christine.klauser@psi.ch