Scientific Highlights of LMB


EMBO workshop on Nuclear Mechano-Genomics

The EMBO-workshop on Nuclear Mechano-Genomics taking place from April 16 to April 19, 2024 in Sardinia, Italy, was a great success.

twisted graphene

Controlling topological states in bilayer graphene

Parameters of topological channels created in twisted bilayer graphene can be controlled by lithium atoms intercalation.

synapse-level reconstruction of neural circuits

Automated synapse-level reconstruction of neural circuits in the larval zebrafish brain

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Google Inc. and the Paul Scherrer Institute published a new method and data resource that makes connectomic analyses of the entire larval zebrafish brain possible.


Fingerprint of Copper in Peptides Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

In an interdisciplinary project, researchers from the Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology in BIO  and the Laboratory for Condensed Matter in PSD have revealed the reaction between the nitrogen atoms of the amyloid-beta peptide and copper/zinc ions by using soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

Pooja Thakkar

SGS award for Pooja Thakkar

Pooja Thakkar received the Shoulders-Gray-Spindt award at the 34th Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference for her paper "Voltage-controlled three-electron-beam interference by a three-element Boersch phase shifter with top and bottom shielding electrodes"

acoustic levitation

On-demand sample delivery article highlighted in "Applied Physics Letters"

An article on the on-demand sample delivery and protein crystallography using acoustic levitation has been selected in an Applied Physics Letters collection of papers on technology and application of acoustic tweezers.


Catching Alzheimer's Toxin

Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy of  a functional Aβ42 pore equivalent, created by fusing Aβ42 to the oligomerizing, soluble domain of the α-hemolysin  toxin, offers new insights into structure and function of proteins forming amyloid aggregates in Alzheimer’s disease.