Isotopically-enriched gadolinium-157 oxysulfide scintillator screens for the high-resolution neutron imaging

High-resolution neutron imaging (Neutron Microscope project) requires highly efficient scintillator screens. Our aim is to achieve sub-5µm spatial resolution. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of the production of isotopically-enriched gadolinium oxysulfide scintillator screens for the high spatial-resolution neutron imaging. Approximately 10 g of 157Gd2O2S:Tb was produced in the form of fine powder (the level of 157Gd enrichment above 88%). Approximately 2.5 µm thick 157Gd2O2S:Tb scintillator screens were produced and tested for the absorption power and the light output. The results are compared to the reference screens based on natGd2O2S:Tb. The isotopically-enriched screens provided increase by a factor of 3.8 and 3.6 for the absorption power and the light output, respectively. The project is supported by SNF R'Equip, CCMX and by internal PSI funding.
Original Publication
P. Trtik and E.H. Lehmann, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 788, 67-70 (2015)