Outstanding Paper Award
A recent paper by the "Applied Materials Group" of the LNS and their coworkers received the "Outstanding Paper Award" of the journal "Materials and Structures".
40 years of LNS
On 1st October 2024, the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering & Imaging turned 40 years old, which was celebrated during the traditional end-of-year party on 17th December.
Brigitte Decrausaz receives DECTRIS Award of Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at UZH
Brigitte Decrausaz, PhD student at LNS, received the DECTRIS Award 2023/2024 for the Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at the University of Zürich.
Towards first experiments on SANS-LLB
SANS-LLB instrument at SINQ close to performing first internal experiments
Book on neutron imaging
A new book on neutron imaging was recently published, written by editors and contributors from LNS. The book has a focus on applications and covers hard and soft matter.
13th Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize to Daniel Mazzone
The laureate of the thirtheenth Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize is Dr. Daniel Mazzone from the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging (LNS), NUM division. Daniel receives the prize for his outstanding contributions in the field of quantum effects in strongly correlated electron materials, employing cutting-edge X-ray and neutron scattering techniques.
Farewell of Agnes Åhl
From October 2023 to March 2024, Agnes Åhl, a SwedNess PhD student in the group of Lennart Bergström at the Stockholm University, absolved her external stay in the Soft Matter Group at LNS.
Congratulations Dr. Boyang Zhou and Dr. Amirreza Hemmatzade!
Recently, Boyang Zhou (left) and Amirreza Hemmatzade (right) have successfully defended their PhD theses conducted at LNS.
LNS at the Highly Frustrated Magnetism conference 2024
Ilaria Villa, PhD student at LNS and LIN, represented our activities at the last conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism held at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, in Chennai (7-13 January, 2024). Ilaria received one of the best poster prices.
Neutron reflectometer Amor at SINQ receives the ESS MultiBlade detector
The neutron reflectometer Amor now uses the ESS MultiBlade detector, with improved resolution, angular coverage and dynamical range.
SNSF funds new LNS projects on quantum materials for 1.75 million
Scientists working on exotic magnetism at the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging (LNS) are to receive two project fundings from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), amounting to 1.75 million Swiss francs.
Neutron scattering collaboration with Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology
A collaboration between the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) provides dedicated beam-time to Norwegian scientists, bringing with them diverse and exciting topics ranging from revealing hidden inscriptions in amulets to neutron based cancer therapies.
SANS-LLB at PSI: keeping up with the soft matter community needs
The shutdown of the Orphée reactor at LLB (Saclay, France) and the upgrade of the SINQ neutron guide system at PSI (Villigen, Switzerland) in 2019 were the beginning of a long-term collaboration between PSI and LLB. The SANS-LLB instrument, formerly known as PA20, has travelled more than 500 km, and since 2020 is being installed at SINQ/PSI as a collaborative effort between PSI and LLB. The aim is to make a modern SANS instrument available to the soft matter neutron scattering community at the SINQ spallation source.
High-performance detector for DMC enters hot commissioning phase
The cold neutron diffractometer DMC at SINQ is currently undergoing major upgrades. After the recent replacement of the cold neutron guide as part of the SINQ upgrade program, the installation of the new high-performance 2D position-sensitive detector successfully entered the hot commissioning phase.
SINQ - performance of the new neutron guide system
In a recent open access article in "Neutron News" the performance of the new neutron delivery system after the SINQ upgrade has been described. Neutron flux gain factors between 2 and more than 10 have been measured at the various cold neutron instruments at SINQ.....
Hercules School 2021 at PSI
During the week of March 15 – 19, we had the pleasure to welcome 20 international PhD students, PostDocs and assistant professors at PSI, taking part in the first virtual Hercules School on Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation.
A new small angle neutron scattering instrument arrives at SINQ from LLB
In 2018 an agreement between the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) and Paul Scherrer Institut has been signed with the aim to jointly operate a new small angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument at the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ.
FALCON - a new instrument project at SINQ
Early 2020, an agreement between the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Paul Scherrer Institut has been signed, according to which the recently commissioned Laue Diffractometer Falcon (E11) would be transferred from HZB to PSI. The purpose of this agreement was to make state-of-the-art equipment from the recently closed research reactor BER-II at HZB work for scientific community at SINQ.
TME Workshop 2019 in La Plata, Argentina
From 22nd-24th October 2019, the international workshop “Topology in Magnetism: Theory Meets Experiments (TME) 2019” took place in La Plata, Argentina. Around 50 participants enjoyed three days of focused talks and discussions on a range of topics related to topology and magnetism, including magnetic skyrmions and vortices, synthetic nanomagnetism, anomalous transport, ferroelectric skyrmions and vortices, and computational materials theory.
European neutron facilities come together for LENS General Assembly
The League of advanced European Neutron Sources (LENS) with the participation of PSI held its second General Assembly at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) together with meetings of its five working groups and the LENS Executive Board. The meetings brought the consortium’s operational working groups together with the leaders of the LENS member facilities to advance priority actions for the organisation in the months to come.
Take a flight through ESTIA
PSI is entirely responsible to build the polarised neutron reflectometer ESTIA at the European Spallation Source ESS in Lund, Sweden. The lead ESTIA scientist Artur Glavic (LNS/NUM) has now simulated a virtual tour of the neutrons travelling through the instrument from the focusing neutron guide to the detector.
Visit of ESS Council to Switzerland
On 24 September the Paul Scherrer Institut was the venue of a meeting between the top supervisory board of the European Spallation Source ESS to be built in Lund, Sweden, and representatives of the Swiss government from SERI. The chair and the vice chair of the ESS Council, Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph and Kurt Clausen, respectively came to Switzerland to discuss the Swiss In-Kind Contributions to the largest spallation neutron source under construction in Sweden.
LIN builds pressure vessels for joint detector project with FRM-II in Munich
Highly efficient two-dimensional detectors are essential for the performance of modern neutron diffractometers. The NUM Division of PSI and the Technical University Munich TUM jointly develop two identical new 3He gas detectors, one for the diffractometer DMC at SINQ and the other for operation at FRM-II in Munich.
PSI participates in ECNS in St Petersburg
The European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS) with its recent 2019 edition in St. Petersburg is a spree of lectures, poster sessions, and expert talks on the current trends and future possibilities in neutron science. PSI with its neutron source SINQ was represented by members of the three NUM laboratories LNS, LMX and LIN. In addition, PSI was silver sponsor of ECNS 2019 and is also a member of the LENS consortium (League of Advanced European Neutron Sources).