About LSM

The motivation for the formation of LSM is grounded in PSI’s general strategy of providing leading edge large scale experimental user facilities to the Swiss and international research communities. Central to this strategy, is a strong and internationally competitive in-house research program.

Through the creation of the multidisciplinary LSM, focus can now be given to the essential role of computational science, modelling and theory in formulating and understanding experiments done at PSI’s large scale scientific facilities. A related focal point is the growing need for High Performance Computing (HPC) to perform large-scale simulation of complex emergent multi-scale, time dependent physical processes and analysis of experimental data. As a direct consequence, we are challenged by the increasing need for the extensible storage and management of the massive amounts data produced by PSI experiments and simulations, hence High-end Data Analysis (HDA) will be of utmost importance in the future.

A second motivation of the merge is to optimize the resources and develop new synergies within the 6 groups. Hence LSM will be the centralized PSI location - nucleus - for all research projects having significant computational science, modelling and theory components.

  1. to undertake original research that will inspire and motivate new experiments to be performed at the all large-scale facilities at PSI

  2. to provide simulation and theoretical support for existing and future experimental scientific programs at PSI

  3. to take a leading role in developing a high-performance computing strategy that addresses the unique needs of PSI and encompasses the emerging fields of big data and artificial intelligence

This research is anchored within the PSI strategic areas of “Structure of matter”, “Energy and Environment”, and ‘Human Health”.  

LSM will foster cooperation with other units of the ETH domain and beyond, in particular with the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) and the Swiss Data Science Centre (SDSC), the National Centers of Competence in Research (e.g. NCCR-MARVEL, NCCR-MSE) and the Swiss Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC).

Vision LSM

Laboratory for Simulation and Modelling
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland