Events and Conferences PSI2022 - Workshop on Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2022 - October 16-21, 2022 Paul Scherrer Institut, October 16-21, 2022 nEDM2021 - Les Houches School of Physics nEDM2021 - February 14-19, 2021 Online, February 14-19, 2021 Kick-off Meeting for the Search of a Muon EDM with the Frozen Spin Technique at PSI Muon-EDM - February 17-19, 2020 Paul Scherrer Institute, February 17-19, 2020 PSI2019 - 5th Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2019 - October 21-25, 2019 Paul Scherrer Institute, October 21-25, 2019 nEDM2017 Canada nEDM2017 - October 15-20 2017 nEDM2017 workshop, Harrison Hot Springs nEDM2017, October 15-20, 2017 PSI2016 - 4th Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2016 - October 16-20, 2016 Paul Scherrer Institute, October 16-20, 2016 nEDM experiment in the News October 27, 2015 In the news: the nEDM experiment at PSI - read here Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School 2015 School - 14-20 June 2015 We co-organized the Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School, Tennessee, 14-20 June 2015 nEDM2014 World-wide experimental search for the neutron EDM nEDM2014 - 2-6 November 2014 Ascona 2-6 November 2014 PSI2013 - 3rd Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2013 - 9-12 September 2013 Paul Scherrer Institute, 9-12 September 2013 PSI2010 - 2nd Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2010 - 10-14 October 2010 Paul Scherrer Institute, 10-14 October 2010 Workshop on Precision Measurements at Low Energy PSI2007 - 18-19 Januar 2007 Paul Scherrer Institute, 18-19 Januar 2007 Contact Dr. Bernhard Lauss Group leader +41 56 310 46 47 Anita Govaerts Van Loon Secretary +41 56 310 32 54
PSI2022 - Workshop on Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2022 - October 16-21, 2022 Paul Scherrer Institut, October 16-21, 2022
nEDM2021 - Les Houches School of Physics nEDM2021 - February 14-19, 2021 Online, February 14-19, 2021
Kick-off Meeting for the Search of a Muon EDM with the Frozen Spin Technique at PSI Muon-EDM - February 17-19, 2020 Paul Scherrer Institute, February 17-19, 2020
PSI2019 - 5th Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2019 - October 21-25, 2019 Paul Scherrer Institute, October 21-25, 2019
nEDM2017 Canada nEDM2017 - October 15-20 2017 nEDM2017 workshop, Harrison Hot Springs nEDM2017, October 15-20, 2017
PSI2016 - 4th Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2016 - October 16-20, 2016 Paul Scherrer Institute, October 16-20, 2016
Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School 2015 School - 14-20 June 2015 We co-organized the Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School, Tennessee, 14-20 June 2015
nEDM2014 World-wide experimental search for the neutron EDM nEDM2014 - 2-6 November 2014 Ascona 2-6 November 2014
PSI2013 - 3rd Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2013 - 9-12 September 2013 Paul Scherrer Institute, 9-12 September 2013
PSI2010 - 2nd Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions PSI2010 - 10-14 October 2010 Paul Scherrer Institute, 10-14 October 2010
Workshop on Precision Measurements at Low Energy PSI2007 - 18-19 Januar 2007 Paul Scherrer Institute, 18-19 Januar 2007