C. B. Doorenbos, Improving ultracold neutron statistics for the n2EDM experiment, ETH Zürich, 2024, url
I. Rienäcker, Improving ultracold neutron yields and the search for mirror neutrons at the PSI UCN source, ETH Zürich, 2022, url
D. Pais, Development of the caesium magnetometer array for the n2EDM experiment, ETH Zürich, 2021, url
P.-J. Chiu, Search for a new interaction mediated by axionlike particles, ETH Zürich, 2021, url
P. Mohanmurthy, A search for neutron to mirror-neutron oscillations, ETH Zürich, 2020, url
N. Hild, Studies of the deuterium used in the PSI UCN source, ETH Zürich, 2019, url
M. Rawlik, Active Magnetic Shielding and Axion-Dark-Matter Search, ETH Zürich, 2018, url
S. Komposch, Realization of a high-performance laser-based mercury magnetometer for neutron EDM experiments, ETH Zürich, 2017, url
D. Ries, The source for ultracold neutrons at the Paul Scherrer Institute - Characterisation, optimisation, and international comparison, ETH Zürich, 2016, url
S. Afach, Development of a cesium vector magnetometer for the neutron EDM experiment, ETH Zürich, 2014, url
V. Helaine, Neutron electric dipole moment measurement: simultaneous spin analysis and preliminary data analysis, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, 2014, url
J. Zenner, The search for the neutron electric dipole moment, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 2013, url
B. Franke, Investigations of the internal and external magnetic fields of the neutron electric dipole moment experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute, ETH Zürich, 2013, url
M. Fertl, A laser based mercury co-magnetometer for the neutron electric dipole moment search, ETH Zürich, 2013, url
M. Horras, A highly sensitive ¹⁹⁹Hg magnetometer for the nEDM experiment, ETH Zürich, 2012, url
L. Goeltl, Characterization of the PSI ultra-cold neutron source, ETH Zürich, 2012, url
E. Pierre, Développement et optimisation d'un système de polarisation de neutrons ultra froids dans le cadre d'une nouvelle mesure du moment dipolaire électrique du neutron, Université de Caen, 2012, url
A. Knecht, Towards a new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment, Universität Zürich, 2009, pdf
M. Kasprzak, Ultracold neutron converters, Universität Wien, 2008, pdf
M. Kuzniak, The neutron electric dipole moment experiment: Research and development for the new spectrometer, Jagiellonian University, 2008, pdf
S. Heule, Production, characterization and reflectivity measurements of diamond-like carbon and other ultracold neutron guide materials, Universität Zürich, 2008, pdf
T. Brys, Extraction of ultracold neutrons from a solid deuterium source, ETH Zürich, 2007, pdf
P. Fierlinger, Losses and depolarization of stored ultracold neutrons on diamond-like carbon, Universität Zürich, 2005, pdf