Laboratory Overview The Laboratory of Particle Physics consists of eight groups: LTP Theory Group Theoretical work closely related to activities of the experimental LTP groups. High Energy Physics Group Design and operation of the CMS pixel detector at CERN and analysis of the CMS data. Muon Physics Fundamental muon physics at PSI's secondary beam lines and support of external experiments at PSI. UCN Physics Group Fundamental experiments with ultracold neutrons. Electronics for Measuring Systems Development, design, setting up and support of Electronic Systems for scientists and users in- and outside PSI. Detectors, Irradiation and Applied Particle Physics Design and construction of detectors for particle physics and space science applications and the operation of the proton irradiation facility (PIF). Electronics Education and Service Pool ( Elektronik Berufsbildungs- und Dienst-leistungs-Pool, EBDP ) is working in close collaboration with the group Electronics for Measuring Systems. Contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Stefan Kirch Head of Laboratory LTP +41 56 310 32 78 Anita Govaerts Van Loon Secretary +41 56 310 32 54
High Energy Physics Group Design and operation of the CMS pixel detector at CERN and analysis of the CMS data.
Muon Physics Fundamental muon physics at PSI's secondary beam lines and support of external experiments at PSI.
Electronics for Measuring Systems Development, design, setting up and support of Electronic Systems for scientists and users in- and outside PSI.
Detectors, Irradiation and Applied Particle Physics Design and construction of detectors for particle physics and space science applications and the operation of the proton irradiation facility (PIF).
Electronics Education and Service Pool ( Elektronik Berufsbildungs- und Dienst-leistungs-Pool, EBDP ) is working in close collaboration with the group Electronics for Measuring Systems.