Schedule of the LTP/PSI Thursday Colloquia

20.02.25WBGB/019Sandro KraemerThe low-energy Thorium-229 Isomer: En route towards a nuclear ClockKU LeuvenJ. MazzitelliAbstract
27.02.25WHGA/001Rebeca Gonzalez SuarezBeyond the standard model searches at present and future collidersUppsala U.M. SpiraAbstract
06.03.25WHGA/001Andreas PautzNew Developments in Nuclear Reactor Technology and Contributions of PSIPSI & EPFLJ. MazzitelliAbstract
13.03.25WBGB/019Evgeny EpelbaumNuclear potential in an EFT frameworkRUBL. Biermann 
20.03.25WBGB/019Fabrizio CarboneUltrafast microscopy and electron scatteringEPFLJ. MazzitelliAbstract
27.03.25WHGA/001Diana Prado Lopes Aude CraikBarium ions to measure atomic parity violationETHZJ. Mazzitelli 
03.04.25WHGA/001Michail Athanasakis-KaklamanakisRadioactive molecules at IsoldeImperial College LondonM. Spira 
10.04.25WBGB/019Admir GreljoBSM physics at the high- and low-energy frontierU. BaselM. Spira 
08.05.25WHGA/001Klaus WendtLaser ion sources and applicationsU. MainzL. Biermann 
15.05.25WHGA/001Marcelle Soares-SantosObservational
UZHL. Biermann 
22.05.25WBGB/019Marumi KadoPerspectives in Higgs physicsMPI MunichM. Spira