News and Highlights

March 2025

Karina Kazarian from the Université Paris-Saclay joins the group as a postdoc working on our pulsed magnet project at the SwissFEL Cristallina-Q endstation. Welcome to the QPS group!

October 2024

The "Quantum Magnet Lunch" team met in Amden for our annual retreat to review our ongoing research themes and set the agenda for the coming year.

October 2024

Rok Venturini from the Jožef Stefan Institute and the University of Ljubljana joins the group as a postdoc working on our van der Waals device project. Welcome to the QPS group!

September 2024

Jamie Bragg (visiting PhD student from University College London) and Tijl Degroote (MSc honours project student from TU Delft) join the group.

July 2024

The PSI-UCL-Surrey collaboration on Si/Ge-based quantum devices met at the Fondazione Monte Verità.

May 2024

Kajal Biju from the Manipal Institute of Technology joins the group for an IASTE internship.

March 2024

Sandy Ekahana's paper on charge fractionalisation in a metallic kagome ferromagnet was published in Nature.

February 2024

Nicolai Taufertshöfer from the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg joins the group as a PhD student.

February 2024

Congratulations Adrian Rutschmann for winning a prize at the Swiss Quantum Days 2024 for a poster on our recent X-ray-detected ferromagnetic resonance experiment at SwissFEL.

January 2024

Adrian Beckert's paper on highly coherent two-level systems in a noisy and dense quantum network was published in Nature Physics.

December 2023

Maria Szola from the Université Montpellier and the Polish Academy of Sciences joins the group as a postdoc.

November 2023

As a group outing, this year we hiked to the ridge above Würenlingen and enjoyed the view of PSI.

October 2023

Adrian Rutschmann (PhD student) and Henry Bell (MSc thesis) from ETHZ, as well as Peng Han (joint postdoc with LNO) from the Max Born Institut join the group.

September 2023

Our "Quantum Magnet Lunch" team met for a two-day retreat to review our ongoing research and set the agenda for the coming year.

September 2023

Check out Maël Clémence's #LightSourceSelfie about his PhD project at the Cristallina-Q endstation of SwissFEL.

August 2023

Sandy Ekahana's paper on self-supervised learning to automate image analysis in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) was published in Machine Learning: Science and Technology.

July 2023

Adil Dogan from ETHZ joins the group for an internship.

June 2023

Savanna Coffel from Harvard University (summer project) and Denis Hnidenko from the Technical University of Košice (IAESTE internship) join the group.

May 2023

Daniel Melvin from the Nanyang Technological University joins the group for a ThinkSwiss internship.

March 2023

Nicolò D'Anna's paper on our new technique for non-destructive X-ray imaging of quantum devices was published in Advanced Electronic Materials.

March 2023

Wenxiang Hu (PhD student) and Theo Wollschlegel (semester project) from ETHZ join the group.

February 2023

Faris Dizdarevic (MSc thesis) and Henry Bell (semester project) from ETHZ join the group.

October 2022

Andrin Doll (project scientist) and Adrian Rutschmann from ETHZ (MSc thesis) join the group.

October 2022

Our "Quantum Magnet Lunch" team has organised a two-day retreat to fly above the details of our daily routine and to revisit our overall vision.

September 2022

Congratulations Nicolò for the successful defense of your PhD on "Low-temperature magneto-transport and X-ray metrology of ultra-thin group V doping layers in silicon: platforms for quantum science and technology"!

September 2022

Adrian Beckert's crystal field paper was published in Physical Review B.

September 2022

A Swiss-French pulsed magnetic field retreat was held at PSI to discuss technical developments and upcoming commissioning/pilot experiments.

July 2022

Francesco Armand Pilon's strained germanium lasing paper was published in Physical Review Research.

July 2022

Congratulation and farewell to Alex Grimm for having been promoted to lead an independent group on ​​​​​Bosonic Quantum Information as a part of LNQ.

Illustration by Michael S. Helfenbein, Yale University

April 2022

Alessandro Bruno and Maël Clémence from ETHZ join the group as PhD students.

March 2022

Congratulations to the Cristallina team for achieving the "first light" milestone on 14.03.2021 - one day ahead of schedule.

March 2022

Tristan Kuttner from ETHZ joins the group for his MSc thesis.

February 2022

Our solution to produce coherent copies of X-ray pulses was published in PNAS.

January 2022

Congratulations Alex for scoring an ERC Starter Grant on coherent operation of a logical concatenated CAT qubit (COOLCCAT)!

Illustration by Michael S. Helfenbein, Yale University

January 2022

With the creation of the new Laboratories for X-ray Nanoscience & Technologies (LXN) and Nano & Quantum Technologies (LNQ) the group changes its name from Quantum Technologies (QT) to Quantum Photon Science (QPS).

November 2021

Finally again, the QT group organized a group outing and hiked across Lägern.

November 2021

Corinna Burri from ETHZ (PhD student) and Sandy Ekahana (postdoc) join the group.

October 2021

Simon Gerber's Colloquium paper was published in Reviews of Modern Physics.

October 2021

Tianyang Shen from the University of Oxford (PhD student) and Tristan Kuttner from ETHZ (semester project) join the group.

Tianyang Shen
Tristan Kuttner

September 2021

Dr. Nelson Hua from UC San Diego joins the QT and Quantum Criticality & Dynamics Groups as a PSI Fellow. Francesco Adinolfi from ETHZ and Aidan McConnell from the University of Cambridge join the group as PhD students.

July 2021

Lise Hanson from the Technical University of Denmark joins the group as summer student.

July 2021

Simon Gerber has been promoted to permanent leader of the QT group.

June 2021

Congratulations Adrian for the successful defense of your PhD on "Localized two-level systems in rare-earth fluorides"!

June 2021

Jan Ravnik’s quantum billiards paper was published in Nature Communications.

April 2021

Jan Ravnik’s ‘dynamical’ phase diagram paper was published in Nature Communications.

March 2021

Congratulations Francesco for the successful defense of your PhD on the "strained germanium laser"!

March 2021

Maël Clémence (MSc thesis), Hsueh-yu Kuo and Florian Zangl (semester projects) from ETHZ, as well as Charpoan Kong (internship) join the group.

February 2021

Robert Kälin officially joins the group as technician of the Cristallina endstation.

January 2021

Alexander Steppke officially joins the group as project coordinator for the collaboration of the Cristallina-Q team and the Laboratory of Quantum Matter (LQM) of Prof. Johan Chang at the University of Zurich (UZH).

Laboratory for Quantum Matter Research, UZH

September 2020

Maël Clémence and Pratyush Anand from ETHZ join the group as semester students.

August 2020

Alexander Grimm’s Kerr-cat qubit paper was published in Nature.

Illustration by Michael S. Helfenbein, Yale University

August 2020

Adrian Beckert’s first paper as lead author was published in Optics Express.

June 2020

Leonie Müller joins the group as summer student.

November 2019

Alexander Grimm joins the group as new tenure-track scientist.

November 2019

PSI SiC activities have now been embedded in Dr. Christian David's X-ray optics group.

September 2019

Jan Ravnik from the Jožef Stefan Institute and the University of Ljubljana joins the group as PSI Fellow.

August 2019

Roksolana Kozak from EMPA joins the group as a postdoc.

July 2019

Maria del Mar Carulla Areste from the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona joins the group as a postdoc.

July 2019

Bill Pedrini joins the group as new scientist and project leader of the Cristallina project.

June 2019

Simon Gerber becomes the new interim leader of the QT group. Hans Sigg remains active in a senior advisor role.

May 2019

Congratulations Judith for the successful defense of your PhD!

April 2019

The QT group held its annual internal seminar in Hospental.

February 2019

Raphael Perrass joins the group part-time as technician for the low-temperature X-ray scattering projects.

January 2019

Guy Matmon joins the group as new tenure-track scientist.

September 2018

Nicolò d'Anna from ETHZ joins the group as a PhD student.


April 2018

The QT group held its annual internal seminar in Hospental.

March 2018

Alexey Lyasota from EPFL joins the QT Group as postdoc.

Alexey Lyasota.jpg

October 2017

Jakub Vonka from Lancaster University joins the QT Group and the Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instrumentation (LIN) as a postdoc.


July 2017

Simon Gerber’s paper was published in Science.

Highly precise measurements of iron selenide show how electrons move in sync with atomic vibrations rippling through the quantum material. The experiments were carried out at the LCLS x-ray free-electron laser of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and at Stanford University.

SLAC press release
PSI press release

May 2017

Adrian Beckert from ETHZ joins the group as a PhD student.


March 2017

The Symposium on Direct Band Gap Group 4 Photonics successfully took place at PSI.

February 2017

The QT group held its annual internal seminar at Rigi Kaltbad.

QT group.JPG

November 2016

Joe Bailey from the London Centre for Nanotechnology and University College London joins the group as a postdoc.

Joe Bailey 01.jpg

October 2016

Francesco Armand Pilon from the Università degli Studi di Milano joins the group as a PhD student.

Francesco A.jpg

September 2016

Judith Wörle receives Best Student Poster Award at the ECSCRM 2016 in Chalkidiki, Greece.


July 2016

The Quantum Technology group under the lead of Dr. Hans Sigg is formed.