Air-SFP - NUGENIA+ Project

Under the umbrella of the European NUGENIA+ program the Air-SFP project was released in 2015 and finished in 2016. One part of the project was a benchmark of different severe accident codes investigating two possible accident scenarios in a spent fuel pool. The pool geometry and loading with spent nuclear fuel was taken from the Fukushima Daiichi unit 4 pool.

The SACRE group was active in the coordination of the severe accident code benchmark and the preparation of a benchmark report. The technical publication of the benchmark results is planned for 2018.
Severe accident code to code comparison for two accident scenarios in a spent fuel pool
Coindreau O., Jäckel B.S., Rocchi F., Alcaro F., Angelova D., Bandini G., Barnak M., Behler M., Da Cruz D.F., Dagan R., Drai P., Ederli S., Herranz L.E., Hollands T., Horvath G.L., Kaliatka A., Kljenak I., Kotsuba O., Lind T.M., López C., Mancheva K., Matejovic P., Matkovič M., Steinbrück M., Stempniewicz M., Thomas R., Vileiniskis V., Visser D.C., Vokáč P., Vorobyov Y., Zhabin O.
8th ERMSAR, Warsaw, Poland (2017).
Paper 606