Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA)

European Horizon 2020 MUSA

The European Horizon 2020 MUSA (Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents) Project started in June 2019. The CIEMAT (Spain) coordinates the Project , which gathers 28 partners from 16 countries worldwide and is foreseen for 48 months.

The MUSA aims to assess the reliability and capabilities of severe accident codes for spent fuel pools and multiple reactor designs (GEN II, GEN III, GEN III+). The project's primary focus is to implement and adapt the existing Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methodology to severe accident research. The MUSA main outcomes will be identifying sources of uncertainty and defining guidelines for UQ in severe accident numerical analyses. Application of the UQ will enhance knowledge about codes limitations and potentially lead to further improvements in computational capabilities and the quality of the results.

More info can be found here