The SACRE team is committed to the Education and Training of young nuclear scientists, engineers as well as professionals. Thereby, SACRE is involved in Teaching activities within the national joint EPFL/ETHZ Nuclear Engineering Master Program and offers students the opportunity to conduct Master and PhD theses as well as Postdoc, Trainee and Practicum projects. Noting that Guest Scientists can also visit SACRE for trainee and/or further education programs.
Master Theses and Trainees
See here for on-going as well as past SACRE Master Theses and Trainee Projects.
PhD Theses
See here for on-going as well as past SACRE PhD Theses.
Teaching and lectures
Nuclear Engineering Master Course at PSI
The Master Course of the 3rd semester of the Nuclear Engineering Master is taking place at PSI. Several people of LRT give lectures in different fields and topics.
Beyond-Design-Basis Safety
In this block, comprehensive knowledge is provided on the phenomena during a Beyond Design Bases Accident (BDBA) in a Nuclear Power Plants (NPP), on their modeling as well as on countermeasures taken against radioactive releases into the environment, both by Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG), together with technical backfitting measures in existing plants and an extended design of new NPP.
Lecture 1: Historical overview of accidents in nuclear installations
Lecture 2: Core heat-up, cladding rupture and oxidation; essentially intact core reflooding
Lecture 3: Early phase core degradation and degraded core reflooding
Lecture 4: Core melting, relocation and late phase interactions in reactor vessel; vessel failure and corium ejection
Lecture 5: In- and ex-vessel molten fuel coolant interaction
Lecture 6: Spent fuel pool accidents, H2 generation, FP release
Lecture 7: Molten corium and concrete interaction and gas and aerosol release
Lecture 8: Containment thermal-hydraulics and H2 distribution; risk of deflagration/detonation, mitigation systems
Lecture 9: Fission product release from fuel, aerosol formation, transport in reactor coolant system
Lecture 10: Fission product behaviour in containment; aerosol transport/deposition, iodine chemistry
Lecture 11: In- and ex-vessel corium retention
Lecture 12: Severe Accident Management and Mitigation on current NPPs
Lecture 13: Fukushima
Lecture 14: Consequences of severe accidents; health and land contamination, public opinion, nuclear programmes
Lecture 15: Analytical Techniques for Simulation of Beyond Design Basis Accidents