All publications that are produced based on results obtained at the PSI Particle Physics Facilities should be registered within the PSI publication repository DORA-PSI. Please follow the link ‘Add Publication’ from the DORA main menu. If the experiment receives substantial scientific or technical support from local PSI staff including but not limited to the area coordinators, these people should be considered as co-authors for those publications, following the norms of publishing ethics. Other support from PSI staff such as technical groups should be mentioned in an acknowledgement statement where appropriate. The acknowledgement should include a reference to the research infrastructure at PSI, such as:
"This work was performed at the High Intensity Proton Accelerator using the Swiss Infrastructure for Particle Physics at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland."
Optionally, one could add:
"The authors are grateful to the accelerator/machine/beamline/vacuum/technical support/operation/…/ groups (whatever is fitting) whose outstanding efforts have made these experiments possible."