
SINQ floorplan (2020+) after the guide upgrade program
HRPT High resolution powder diffractometer (thermal neutrons)
DMC Powder and single crystal diffractometer (cold neutrons)
ZEBRA Single crystal Diffractometer (thermal neutrons)
POLDI Multiple pulse overlap diffractometer (thermal neutrons)
ORION Two-axis diffractometer (cold neutrons)
Small-angle scattering instruments
SANS-ISmall-angle neutron scattering facility, 40m (cold neutrons)
SANS-LLBSmall-angle neutron scattering facility, 40m (cold neutrons), under construction
AMOR Apparatus for multi optional reflectometry (cold neutrons)
MORPHEUS Two-axis neutron diffractometer & reflectometer (cold neutrons)
NARZISS Polarized neutron reflectometer
FOCUS Time-of-flight spectrometer (cold neutrons)
CAMEA Multiplexing spectrometer (cold neutrons)
TASP Triple-axis spectrometer (polarized cold neutrons), PSI-EPF Lausanne cooperation
EIGER Triple-axis spectrometer (thermal neutrons)
Non-diffractive instruments
NEUTRA Neutron radiography and tomography facility (thermal neutrons)
ICON Neutron radiography and tomography facility (cold neutrons)
BOA Beamline for Neutron Optics and other Approaches (thermal neutrons)
PNA Isotope production stringer (thermal neutrons)
NAA Neutron activation analysis (thermal neutrons)
Special installations
MuPAD MU-metal polarisation analysis device
N-Microscope High spatial resolution neutron imaging instrument
ECHO Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering option on MORPHEUS
SINQ sample environment
Informationabout SINQ sample environment devices and parameters

Further Information

  • Information about SINQ sample environment equipment
  • Information about SINQ computing, software, manuals and instrument control systems
  • All methods offered at the PSI User Facilities, please make use of the filter options.
User Office

Paul Scherrer Institute
bldg WBBC
Forschungsstrasse 111
CH-5232 Villigen-PSI

+41 56 310 46 66

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