User Information

The scheduling periods and deadlines for calls for proposals can be found at SLS Proposal Calls.
Beamlines Call schedule (non-PX)
Experimental Period 2019-II 2020-I
Call 2019/02/08 2019/08/08
Submission deadline 2019/03/15 2019/09/15
Start period 2019/07/01 2020/01/01
End period, Normal/Test/Pilot 2019/12/31 2020/06/30
EVALUATION closed closed
Proposals can only be considered if they are submitted electronically using the SLS Digital Users Office (DUO).

The overbooking factor (i.e., the ratio of requested shifts to available shifts) at each station at the ADRESS beamline is typically >4. Shortly after the submission deadlines (see above), the proposals are reviewed confidentially by an independent committee (Proposal Review Committee - PRC). After review, notification of success or failure is automatically sent to the main proposer by the DUO system. The successful proposals are then scheduled. Scheduling is an iterative procedure carried out by the beamline scientists [Thorsten Schmitt (beamline manager ADRESS RIXS) and Vladimir Strocov (beamline manager ADRESS SX-ARPES), see Staff). Every effort is made to accommodate the wishes of the users regarding the convenience of the allocated shift dates. It is therefore very important that the proposers fill out that part of the proposal in the DUO requesting information about preferred and inconvenient dates, as this considerably facilitates scheduling.

Long-term proposals extend over three scheduling periods. Justification for submitting a long-term proposal should be compelling. In general, proposals for experiments that are considered to be "high-risk" are unlikely to obtain long-term status until their feasibility has been proven. Even then, it should be apparent to the PRC, such as through publications in high-profile journals, that long-term status is justified. Scheduling of the machine and beamlines can be found in the SLS Operation Calendar.
General information on things that should be organized in advance of beamtime is described at PSI User Office - Before Arrival.

It is recommended that the proposer contact the relevant beamline scientist (see Staff) to obtain any information required for preparing his/her experiment prior to the beamtime. He/she should first carefully check this website to see what is available at his/her endstation of interest. In addition, requests for dosimeters can be obtained by the DUO.