User Information

For detailed user information please refer to PSI User Office.

The X-Treme beamline is open for proposal submission.

Beamlines Call schedule (non-PX)
Experimental Period 2019-II 2020-I
Call 2019/02/08 2019/08/08
Submission deadline 2019/03/15 2019/09/15
Start period 2019/07/01 2020/01/01
End period, Normal/Test/Pilot 2019/12/31 2020/06/30
EVALUATION closed closed

You can access the current X-Treme schedule here. In this calendar, each day is divided in three 8 hours shifts, defined as:

Morning Shift 07:00 - 15:00
Evening Shift 15:00 - 23:00
Night Shift 23:00 - 07:00

Preparing for your experiment

It is recommended that users contact their assigned local contact well in advance (at least one month) to prepare their experiment. Some topics that should be discussed include:

  • Sample type, size, how to mount the sample
  • Detection mode requested. Total electron yield is always available. In addition, transmission or total fluorescence yield can be mounted. This second acquisition mode is acquired in paralel with total electron yield.
  • When to mount samples. It is recommended that users come one day before beamtime to mount their samples into the sample holder and in the load-lock. Other than that, setting up an experiment is performed as part of the allocated beamtime.
  • In case of in-situ experiments:
    • It should be discussed where the evaporator(s) will be mounted (in the end-station or in the sample preparation system). In addition, if a particular orientation necessary, for example pointing upwards due to the use of crucibles, that should be communicated.
  • Additional technical requirements not specified in the proposal should be discussed even more in advance. We warn that additional features not specified in the proposal might not be available in due time for the beamtime. Therefore the earlier it is discussed, the better.
  • Please print the safety sheet (download here), read through it, sign it and bring it with you when you arrive at the beam line.

Badge, Dosimeter and Guest house

  • Requests for badge and dosimeters can done through the DUO.
  • For accomodation during the beamtime, the PSI has an onsite guest house and in case it is booked there are some nearby hotels.



If there is a publication showing data taken at the X-Treme beamline, we ask the following phrase to be added in the acknowledgements section:

The x-ray absorption measurements were (partially) performed on the EPFL/PSI X-Treme beamline at the Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland.

In addition, we ask the X-Treme beamline paper to be cited in the text.

If the experiment concerned in the publication has received funding through the European Community access program (CALIPSO) there should also be an acknowledgement to the program. For more information on the acknowledgement statement look here.

After Publication is available

After the publication is availabe on-line or on paper, we ask the users to enter the publication in the DORA. When asked which beamline was used for the experiment, please link to all PSI facilities and beamlines used. Without this link the publication will not enter in the beamline statistics.

Experimental Report

As explained in the SLS user webpage an experimental report must be uploaded for each finished proposal.

The deadline for experimental report submission is the next proposal submission deadline after the experiment is finished. If the measurements finished shortly before the deadline, a preliminary experimental report should be uploaded with the remark that it is a preliminary version due to the short time between experiment and submission deadline. If necessary, the experimental report can be edited any time later once the data analysis is complete.