In case the PSI Guest House is fully booked, here is a selection of nearby hotels:
name/www | location | phone | rates [CHF] * |
Restaurant Hirschen | Villigen | +41 56 284 1181 | from 100.-- |
Centurion Tower Hotel | Windisch | +41 56 460 2222 | from 95.-- ** |
Hotel Terminus | Brugg | +41 56 460 2525 | from 125.-- |
Hotel Rotes Haus | Brugg | +41 56 441 0808 | from 99.-- ** |
Hotel Gotthard | Brugg | +41 56 441 1794 | from 90.-- |
Restaurant Sternen | Würenlingen | +41 56 297 4000 | from 80.-- |
Guest House Aarebrücke | Stilli | +41 77 416 9697 | from 90.-- ** |
La Maison Suisse | Döttingen | +41 31 335 6622 | from 135.-- ** |
* Rates are for single rooms with bathroom including breakfast (no breakfast: Gästehaus Aarebrücke and Maison Suisse). Some hotels offer rates based on availability, just check with the hotel for the daily rate. Please find a more detailed hotel list here.
** Discount for PSI guests available, please check with the hotel directly.