BVR 56: Open CHRISP Users Meeting 2025
11-12 February 2025
The users meetings (Benützerversammlung, BV) take place once a year at PSI. They are chaired by the president of the Research Committee and open to the PSI users community. In the meetings new proposals are presented and discussed, and beam time distributions are worked out.
Joint Users' Meetings at PSI: JUM@P series
Presently no further user meetings for SLS, SINQ, SμS and SwissFEL are planned. Instead we follow the concept to gather our user community at smaller topical workshops organized by PSI staff.
PSI User Office
Paul Scherrer Institute
building WBBC
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
+41 56 310 46 66
Office hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:00-11:30 and 12:30-17:00
otherwise please contact us per email