STARS Swiss Simulation Platform (SwissP) - Code Description

The nuclear simulation codes that currently form part of the STARS SwissP are listed below. The specific purpose of each code as currently used within STARS is specified noting that the given codes might be designed and/or employed for additional purposes. Finally, the code providers with whom STARS collaborates for development/validation are also specified. 


CodeScope within STARS SwissPDeveloper
Casmo-4/5Reference deterministic 2-D assembly transport/depletion (M-G MOC)Studsvik
CMSLinkFew-group cross section processor for SIMULATE/S3K core static/transient core calculationsStudsvik
SIMULATE-3/5Reference deterministic 3-D steady-state core simulator (2-G/M-G diffusion/SPn)Studsvik
SIMULATE-3K (S3K)Reference deterministic 3-D transient core simulator (2-G diffusion)Studsvik
SNFSpent fuel inventory calculationsStudsvik
nTRACERComplementary deterministic "Direct" pin-by-pin 3-D full core transport solver (M-G, 2-D MOC/1D SPn)Seoul University
DYN3DComplementary deterministic pin-cell homogenized 3-D core solver (M-G, SPn)HDZR
SerpentReference Monte-Carlo-2-D/3-D code for fuel assembly depletion/decayVTT
MCNPReference Monte-Carlo 3-D neutron/transport code for out-of-core applications and full core modellingLos Alamos
VestaMonte-Carlo depletion interface code (for ORNL/Origen and IRSN/Phoenix depletion/decay modules)IRSN
CinderComplementary fuel depletion/decay solverLANL
NJOYNuclear data processing systemLANL
TRACEReference plant system code for 1-D/3-D thermal-hydraulicsUS NRC
TRACE/PARCSComplementary coupled 3-D core/plant code system for transient analysesUS NRC/UMICH
COBRA-TFReference code for sub-channel 3-D thermal-hydraulicsPenn State
STAR-CCM+Reference 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics solverCD-Adapco
OpenFOAMComplementary 3-D Computational Dynamics sloverOpen source
GOTHICReference code for containment 3-D Thermal-Hydraulics (Under PSI/LH Responsiblity)US NRC
FALCON MOD01Reference code for 2-D fuel Thermo-Mechanics (steady-state/transient)EPRI
Falcon V1New version of Falcon 2-D Fuel thermo-mechanics codeEPRI/PSI
DIFFOXMechanistic modelling of clad oxygen diffusion during thermal transientsIRSN
CP2KAtomistic simulations and multi-scale modelling of fuel materialsOpen source
PERFORM-60Multi-Scale simulation and modelling platform for evolution of reactor pressure vessel materialsEDF-EU 7th FP
LAKIMOCAKinetic Monte-Carlo solver for irradiation-induced damage of steel material micro-structuresEDF
URANIEUncertainty and sensitivity analsys platformCEA

General Contact

Research Division
Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES)

Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen PSI

Hakim Ferroukhi
Head of the Laboratory
Office: OHSA/C10
Telephone: +41 56 310 4062

Petra Kull
Administration and Assistance
Office: OHSA/C18
Telephone: + 41 56 310 2685

NES Open positions

Current job openings in the Research Division for Nuclear Energy and Safety